Example sentences of "[Wh det] make [pron] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it was that which made her avid for the things that money could buy .
2 Perhaps it was that which made her attractive to a certain type of man .
3 They were situated in positions which made them visible from the pests on each side .
4 However , this effect may not last , and long-term follow-up is useful to ensure that the patient does not lapse into those unhealthy ways which made him unwell in the first place .
5 William Thaw , the first to get a commission , had owned a hydroplane while still at Yale , which made him acceptable as a French bomber pilot .
6 I tried to become one with nature on the games-field , which made me unpopular with the enthusiastic cricketers .
7 Mrs Castle , as it turned out , had opposed this allowance , again on the characteristically doctrinaire grounds that an allowance which made it necessary for the disabled to purchase motor cars would place them at the mercy of the commercial interests of motor manufacturers .
8 Nathan waited patiently for the remissions which made it possible for the ruined mind to function for a time ; he sat by the sick man , who by now was almost blind ; the paralysis was , after all , general .
9 For the first time she was grateful for Matilda 's notorious temper , which made it impossible for the Empress to keep her voice down .
10 The party has abandoned policies which made it unelectable in the 1980s .
11 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
12 Our basic newsletter format is complete but lacks any real identity so the next phase is to add the little touches which make it distinguishable from the crowd .
13 The features which characterize UDC and which make it appropriate for the applications discussed above are :
14 This is not only expressed through direct welfare , housing and educational provision to families which helps to ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour , but also in the reproduction of wider ideologies of popular consent which make it difficult for the rule to see the possibility of any other form of economic and political organization .
15 In addition to romantic flowers , this rose has dark foliage , purplish stems and few thorns , which make it ideal for a house front .
16 Furthermore , there is little about splits in the various branches which makes them understandable as a product of conflict between moderate younger activists and older extremists .
17 They have a handsome shiny lustre which makes them conspicuous from a distance .
18 Area 7 champions Royal Berkshire had to work had for their 3–0 victory over Riverside , Chiswick , which makes them unique in the event with maximum points from four matches .
19 Robin Williams has precisely the driving , egomaniacal but mischievous quality which makes him believable as a grown-up Peter Pan .
20 However early in the novel he has an experience which makes him aware of a significantly different kind of memory , and this is of course the famous incident in which as a young man he dips a small cake , a madeleine , into a cup of tea .
21 It is this kind of objective correspondence which makes it possible for the experience of racism to become connected to paranoid structures of feeling and phantasy which originate at a quite different and more unconscious level of representation .
22 The public sector has a political environment , theoretical foundations , an ethos , a culture and a sheer diversity which makes it distinctive from the private sector .
23 Usually there are a number of these which makes it necessary for the accountant to visit the record or publishing company .
24 It is the life force within us that is the cause of that denial , which makes it impossible for the healthy to imagine a time when it will have faded , which makes them tremble at the thought that , were voluntary euthanasia ever legalized , abuse would inevitably follow , and when they became old and ill , they would be at risk of being put away .
25 You may remember , Mr. Speaker , that last year I raised with you the problem of coaches parked in and around Parliament square , which makes it impossible for the Sessional Order to be complied with .
26 It may be that there is some delay after completion , which makes it impossible for the buyer 's conveyancers to lodge their transfer within the period of priority .
27 The Acts also provide for a quota scheme , which makes it compulsory for every employer of more than twenty people to take on a quota of at least 3 per cent registered disabled , although few firms adhere to this scheme and monitoring is poor .
28 But curiously enough this dish , although made with fresh meat rather than with left-over boiled beef , has much in its flavour and composition which makes it akin to the celebrated miroton , always reputed to be characteristic of the cooking of the Paris concierge .
29 Statistical representativeness is not , of course , assured simply by means of large numbers ; a large sample , running into several hundreds or thousands may be selected in a way which makes it unrepresentative of the general population , while a small sample may , conversely , meet more precisely the criterion of representativeness .
30 The study is a small-scale exploratory study which will involve intensive interviews with 54 married women whose children are old enough not to require that degree of care and attention which makes it difficult for a married woman to take up full-time employment .
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