Example sentences of "[Wh det] they [vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She therefore deduced that crude anthropomorphism is something which children are taught , not necessarily intentionally , in fact probably not intentionally at all , but it is something which they pick up from the comments which they hear and the deductions which they make .
2 Some principles of association that emerge are that solitary hunters feed on prey they can subdue individually which they kill suddenly after a stealthy approach .
3 The upper half of their beak has a hook in it with which they latch on to a flower .
4 The males are larger than the females and have modified tail feathers ( left ) and enlarged white oesophageal sacs which they puff up during the ‘ strut ’ display ( right ) .
5 That has been done to death by ex-managers and ex-record companies who use a list of about two dozen tracks which they write down on a sheet of paper , cut them up and put them in a hat , and whatever order they come out in that 's another album .
6 The highlight of the course for many pupils is definitely the extended project which they carry out over the first two terms , tapping the wide network of apparatus available in the Department for work at this level .
7 Some of the larger birds , like the blackbirds and thrushes , often risk a little dive-bombing , in which they swoop down on the owl from a distance of about 30 feet , heading straight for it , and then swerve aside only at the very last moment , when they are no more than a foot away .
8 All they care about is what they gouge out of the ground and grind into profit ’ .
9 It 's just a bit unfortunate in my opinion , what they put up in the place .
10 Ask children what they line best about the school .
11 " Were it not for what they receive out of the tax … they would not knit or spin for so small wages , as they receive for that work , because they would starve by it . "
12 Obviously what you say to another person and the way you say it will have an effect on what they say back as a response .
13 Work like the Peplos kore ( fig. 39 ) , Exekias 's neck-amphora ( fig. 55 ) or the Vix krater ( fig. 58 ) show archaic Greek art in its assured prime : craftsmen who are masters of their craft can develop their styles and express what they want happily within the general limitations of inherited convention .
14 What they want out of a gang fight is a nice big bruise … that they can show around during the week . ’
15 ‘ We have to listen to what they want out of the Association .
16 For most Americans , it is simply what they fly over on the way to either coast .
17 Some regard what they do simply as a form of legitimate adult play , while others take it far more seriously and see themselves as going beyond present human limitations , journeying into a new galaxy of knowledge in a way which they find at least as exciting as the exploration of deep space .
18 No , what they mean is they if it 's put in on a Thursday so it 's there so when they , whatever they get in on a Friday they can pay out then but if it 's paid in on a Friday then
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