Example sentences of "[Wh det] it [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Was he able to discuss with President Yeltsin the problems of the old Soviet bureaucracy in Russia and the way in which it is inhibiting the ability of the people of Russia to receive the aid that they deserve ?
2 Irrespective of the proportions of the crack or the means by which it is loaded the ratio of the maximum value of this stress parallel to the crack surfaces to the peak opening stress at right angles to the crack is constant and has a value of one to five .
3 Daily turnover in options has been regularly less than the 30,000 contracts per day which it is estimated the LTOM needs to cover its costs .
4 Well that is the first area er in which it is alleged the breach of duty on the part of the defendant .
5 and on page er eighty two the erm plaintiffs were after perhaps in matters which it is alleged the defendant should have appertained relating to the financing of this transaction , prior to exchanging contracts and the base of the claim is that as set out in the on page eighty two that the defendants should have appertained whether the plaintiffs had a defined source of funds upon terms which the plaintiffs were able to meet .
6 Centres should note that in an integrated programme of music modules a centre may register a candidate for each of the modules for which it is anticipated the candidate will be successful ie which allows the candidate to be certificated at his/her maximum level of attainment ( see paragraph 5 on Registration ) .
7 5.2 For the series of Music Making modules , Centres should register a candidate for each of the modules for which it is anticipated the candidate will be successful .
8 The rate at which it uses energy , it 's the rate at which it 's using the energy .
9 Erm , Mr Brighton was was critical of the County Council in just using the residual method to determine the size of the new settlement , er and then in in backing up that justification erm referred to work that is included in in Barton Willmore 's proof , I 've I have read this survey work quite carefully , and my understanding of it is is that erm by un undertaking a survey of settlements in the county , they have established , albeit f f f for information purposes only , a population threshold for a particular type of service , erm , in in the North Yorkshire context , erm the implication I I understand from that is is that that is being used to justify a fourteen hundred figure or or whatever it is to achieve the level of services that would would be required for a a balanced integrated community to use the words for the guidance .
10 To know this is part of competence with the concept of B ; part of what it is to know the meaning of ‘ B ’ .
11 This criticism depends on a view about what competence with a concept is , a view about what it is to know the meaning of a word , about what it is to know the rules for the application of that word , rules that take you from one instance to the next .
12 ‘ There now , see what it is to have the logic !
13 Contrary to what it is saying the problem is not in the belief but in the believer , not in the insufficiency of truth but in the self-sufficiency of the truster .
14 At least that 's what it 's telling the PC press , with IBM retorting that it 's trying to spook customers .
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