Example sentences of "[Wh det] he [vb past] been [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Then Andy took his wedge , which he had been swinging for the last ten minutes , and hit the perfect , or apparently perfect shot , straight at the flag .
2 Reagan hammered away at themes which he had been developing for some years and which would be wheeled out every time he ran for public office .
3 This was it , the confrontation-point which he had been dreading for the best part of a week .
4 He tried fitfully to proceed with a short prose book on the nature of culture which he had been contemplating for some time , but by the end of 1942 had produced only a first draft of two chapters : this must be the source of the four essays which appeared in the New English Weekly during January and February 1943 under the title , " Notes toward a Definition of Culture " .
5 Fleury had no time to draw his final weapon , the two-bladed Indian dagger , for his adversary , it turned out , was no less impressively armed than he was himself and he was already flourishing a spare sabre which he had been carrying for just such an emergency .
6 In June , Roland found what he had been looking for .
7 The books and papers were wrapped in a silk cloth and , smiling , Craig knew he had found what he had been looking for .
8 It was what he had been waiting for .
9 In his paper , Beveridge repeated what he had been saying for some time , namely , that there was no general breakdown of the labour-market , instead there was an overstocking of individual trades which was due to ‘ inadequate labour information and local hindrances to labour mobility ’ .
10 The Raubvogel had just entered the short tunnel that led out of the cavern , when Katze finally found what he 'd been looking for .
11 It was in the second of the rooms behind a damp stack of spare mattresses that he found what he 'd been hoping for .
12 But that was what he 'd been doing for the past several minutes .
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