Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [verb] for [art] first " in BNC.

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1 The Accademia 's curator Annalisa Perissa Torrina has compiled detailed notes on each of the 221 drawings now in the Accademia and has identified the original sources of the reproductive drawings , 124 of which are reproduced for the first time .
2 The wisdom of the Northern Ireland Branch of introducing a Grade 4B a few years ago , is paying off now , when this grade attracted an entry of 21 bands , some of which were playing for the first time .
3 It 's not something which is introduced for the first time in nineteen forty eight but , but there is erm sort of another round of it erm and sort of the new dimension is that the , everybody 's name is published because until then you , you did n't er you did n't know who the Party members were .
4 The 1,000-strong Congress , which was meeting for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union , is the only body in the country that can change the constitution and other basic laws .
5 driving even further than spain is the Oxfordshire team of Francis Tuthill and Anthony Showell … the winners of the London to Sydney car marathon … are the first to enter the London to Mexico marathon which was unveiled for the first time this week …
6 Such a requirement for express agreement of admissions policy is difficult to reconcile with the more limited requirement that governors should simply ‘ consult ’ the local education authority which was introduced for the first time by section 33 of the Act of 1986 .
7 Paul Stern , the vice-president of the Vienna Bridge Club , soon invited her to join the Austrian Ladies ' Team , which was preparing for the first European Women 's Teams Championship to be held in Brussels in 1935 .
8 I well remember the first one to be accepted , ‘ ’ Firmly I believe and truly ’ , which was sung for the first time at the dedication of Holy Cross College .
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