Example sentences of "[Wh det] be [verb] [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 The findings suggest that , although there is an interacting effect between the two , many of the fundamental characteristics which are shared by all the cross-national systems investigated for that industry are the result of a common response to modern technological development and mechanised factory production .
2 The aim is to identify the elements shaping social identity which are shared by all the family types and those by which they differ .
3 They are supervised in the early days , encouraged to speak up at meetings , and they also attend training programmes which are provided for all the care assistants .
4 Tower Hamlets found that they could not decentralize Social Services , for example , because of the statutory requirement to have a Social Services Committee , but everything else they 've erm within the overall Council policy , which is decided by all the Councillors , they 've decentralized a great deal of the powers down to these local groups of Councillors , and where the Labour control the areas they control these local Councils , and where the Liberal Democrats control them they control them , and I think it 's working very well .
5 Er we set up on a regional basis er er Robert talked to you a couple of months ago about the initiatives that he 's taking from our and that again is a very much of a cross practice initiative er which is drawing on all the skills that we 've got within the with within the office penetrate the middle market sector and we are going to er specifically use er our grounds expertise and er computer audit expertise as a product which we saw would be attractive to these er these sort of companies .
6 The original beam , black and that beam across there is the original beam which is blackened by all the smoke .
7 Looking across the denominational spectrum we can see that this central act , which is shared by all the major denominations , is celebrated in dozens of different ways and according to dozens of different theological principles .
8 UMBILICAL : Chord , which is used in all the best songs .
9 This is a process which is going on all the time in the world of bacteria , and drug firms are managing to keep ahead , just , by producing newer ( and inevitably , more expensive ) antibiotics that will still be effective .
10 The 800 bp fragment which was observed in all the cell types analyzed represents mRNA in which AD1 was spliced out .
11 Rodrigo replied , in a letter which was sent to all the Moslem rulers , implying that Yusuf did not dare to cross the sea and face him .
12 Firstly , H pylori with homogeneously distributed chromatinic and cytoplasmic content within the bacterial body ( Fig 1 ) , which was associated with all the patterns of epithelial state and was seen in all the examined ultrastructural sections ; this pattern , however , was prominent in the first pattern of contact with gastric epithelium presenting normal looking epithelial cells .
13 The problem of comparing different samples drawn from the lists was dealt with by developing a reference test which was administered to all the pupils participating in the research .
14 Because he likes to see what 's going on all the time .
15 He just asked for more erm , one thing that is disturbing , what he does very causally mention is what is going on all the time
16 What is happening to all the waste ?
17 Although Fred pretended to be surprised at my earnings I felt sure he knew what was going on all the time .
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