Example sentences of "[Wh det] [am/are] not [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The important question for the policeman interested in hypnosis is , does hypnosis enhance the recall of events which are not blocked by extreme trauma ?
2 In principle , to target the virus to cell surface molecules which are not recognised by natural viral coat proteins , we could incorporate functional nonviral polypeptides into the virion .
3 Under the new Social Fund , the higher long-term benefit rate was abolished and the ARPs replaced by flat-rate premiums , which are not geared to specific needs but based on two categories of basic and severe disability .
4 And the same point is put beyond dispute in the careful declaration of purpose in John 's Gospel , expressly written about the evidence of Christ 's signs : ‘ There were indeed many other signs that Jesus performed in the presence of his disciples , which are not recorded in this book .
5 Mark has only some thirty verses which are not repeated in one or both of the other two Gospels .
6 Initially , those networks which are not based on Northern Telecom switches will be left out in the cold .
7 In later , calmer moments , those conclusions which are not based on published research material need to be contested .
8 Tests which are not based upon adequate linguistic descriptions must be regarded as lacking in construct validity .
9 This feature is also evident in their natural habitat ; they are found most often in areas which are not exposed to strong currents , except perhaps briefly when the tide turns .
10 It is also easy to see the patches of dark nebulosity which are not illuminated by any convenient stars , and make their presence known by blotting out the light of objects beyond .
11 The main doubts about level and standards in higher education probably relate to new or interdisciplinary courses for which the criteria are not well established , or courses which have atypical entrants ( e.g. ‘ unqualified ’ mature students ) or which are not assessed in conventional ways ( e.g. with a heavy reliance on course or project work rather than unseen examinations ) .
12 Each health authority will retain some money to pay for referrals by GPs to hospitals which are not covered by existing agreements on services .
13 The common law liability still remains in all cases which are not covered by statutory provision .
14 This view accepts that these general principles can apply to render illegal the use of weapons , even new weapons , which are not covered by any specific ban .
15 Erm as far as I 'm concerned Mr Donson 's point that there are significant areas of the county which are covered by other policies , national parks , heritage coast , high quality agricultural land , Erm that may be true but there are significant areas which are not covered by those policies and it seems to me that if erm the county structure plan is going to provide a strategy then it should be relatively comprehensive .
16 Values are rules which are not attached to particular roles but are more general standards concerning worthy behaviour ; for example , injunctions like ‘ Uphold the Law ’ , ‘ Respect Private Property ’ , ‘ Work Hard ’ , ‘ Protect Family Life ’ , etc. reflect the kinds of values typical of Western industrial societies .
17 Similarly , other centralised reservation systems are in operation which are not attached to any particular group .
18 Are there any manifestations of Greek art which are not informed with this spirit ?
19 It was suggested in Chapter 1 that children 's utterances are frequently characterised by novel combinations of morphemes and words which are not found in normal adult speech .
20 We would be happy to provide such assistance ; however I have not included it in my fee indication since in our experience , time at this stage is very much dependent upon the skill of your lawyer and the complexity of the issues , which are not known at this stage .
21 We aimed to respond to this challenge by showing how significant social trends — which are not captured by conventional social classifications , but which are exacerbating health inequalities — help to account for very substantial differences between population groups in rates of childhood mortality .
22 ‘ Vulnerable people should be aware that there are some laboratories and practitioners who rely on controversial and unproven procedures … which are not considered by independent observers either to be reliable or to have a scientific basis . ’
23 The significance of the adult 's capacity to attribute meaning to actions which are not performed with communicative intent lies in the learning opportunities which are created by the adult response .
24 Usually , where subsidiaries have shares in issue which are not held by another company in the group they are reported in the consolidated financial statements within minority interests but in some cases they are required by the [ draft ] FRS to be reported within liabilities , that is , as debt .
25 There are ways of indicating the beginning of a new paragraph in a piece of narrative , for example , which are not used in explanatory discourse .
26 Probably mandamus is available as a remedy only in respect of public duties , that is , duties which are not shared with private citizens .
27 Words such as aardvark use a number of nodes which are not shared with any other words .
28 Whether or not accelerated product wages lead to a faster increase in living standards depends on how the prices of the goods that workers consume move relative to those that they produce , and on any changes in the proportion of their incomes that workers pay in taxation which are not reflected in increased benefits or social services .
29 ( Sometimes occupational unions , which are not confined to apprentice-served workers , are seen as a form of craft union . )
30 These are SOURCE , PMODEL or FOREIGN modules which appear in the primary directory but which are not contained within any user-package .
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