Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] a [noun] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Picture quality is good ; if the format has a weakness , it is in the quality of the sound if recorded to the old ‘ mono ’ system which has a tendency to be slightly hissy .
2 In The Tale of Genji , which has a claim to be considered the world 's first novel , an emperor weeps for lost love in the opening pages .
3 The prosecution was brought under the 1975 Criminal Jurisdiction Act which allows a case to be heard in Northern Ireland .
4 They also have an excitable surface membrane which allows a signal to be sent from one end of the neurone to the other .
5 However , the practice is condemned in a recent announcement made by the Vatican on Respect for Human Life in its Origins and on the Dignity of Procreation , which permits a child to be conceived only as a result of intercourse within marriage .
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