Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] an [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Another important component of pay is related to the length of service with the company which produces an escalating reward for loyalty .
2 Which has an international reputation for treating patients with head injuries .
3 The Minister will be aware of Oldham Batteries in my constituency , which has an excellent reputation for making mining batteries .
4 A further dimension to his work was his occasional use of the neo-Norman style , for example at Shadwell church near Leeds ( 1841–2 ) ; while the steeple he added in 1839 to the early eighteenth-century Holy Trinity church in Leeds is an ingenious pastiche in the manner of Sir Christopher Wren [ q.v. ] , which shows an unusual sympathy for the architecture of that period .
5 There is now great momentum and enthusiasm from everyone in the project team which forms an excellent springboard for commissioning this year . ’
6 Some computers have a variation on the multiply instruction which delivers an n-bit result for operands limited in size , or which rounds a 2n-bit result to n bits .
7 I was fascinated by the article on solar energy ( Global warming NI 206 ) which seems an excellent idea for developing countries , especially in remote villages where there is no electricity .
8 It is said that commercially-grown winter lettuce is sprayed More times than a Rolls Royce , which seems an excellent reason for growing your own organic winter salads .
9 Pictured above is the newly constructed bridge over the new Metrolink line which means an exciting future for the East Lancashire Railway .
10 It is a situation which poses an insoluble problem for the Monarch , since there is by definition no common organ of consent and consequently no responsible ministerial advice on which she can constitutionally act .
11 And gone too is the tyrannical concept of ‘ avant-garde ’ which presupposes an unremitting search for formal newness and a casting out of all previous history , in a quest for the future , now .
12 By setting your own limit and deciding the size of your monthly payments , you have a very adaptable borrowing arrangement , which provides an immediate reserve for any purpose and continues for as long as you like .
13 He heads up the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau ( phone 071–928 4488 ) , which was set up in 1981 and which provides an independent service for the resolution of disputes between personal insurance policyholders and holders of unit trusts , and companies that belong to the scheme .
14 It is on the fringes of higher education , through its contribution to research , which provides an educational resource for students .
15 The property is in excellent order throughout thus presenting a property which makes an excellent purchase for the growing family .
16 Their range includes a fine , natural Kapok which makes an ideal filling for soft toys and other items .
17 Two lovely new designs from Nina Miklin , a cardigan with long sleeves in fine mohair which makes an ideal cover-up for cool evenings and a short version in 100% cotton for a sporty day look .
18 Start or complete your Theatre outing with a private function in this beautiful hall , which makes an ideal venue for charity events , private or company parties .
19 You can also position a Shelf-Grip at the end of , say , a glass shelf across an alcove , with a glass window behind it , which makes an ideal display for plant pots .
20 You can also position a Shelf-Grip at the end of , say , a glass window behind it , which makes an ideal display for plant pots .
21 Both methods have been found reliable , but the former entails the additional work of defining what constitutes an acceptable answer for each item .
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