Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] [been] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Xhosa-speakers generally support the African National Congress , which has been waging a small-scale war with followers of the Zulu-orientated Inkatha Freedom Party for the past week in Johannesburg 's townships .
2 Employment relations as a fundamental relation of organizations upon which has been constructed a whole discourse of the determinism of size as a contingency variable increasingly gave way to more complex and fragmentary relational forms , such as subcontracting and networking .
3 According to Computerworld , Softlab recently offered $350m for the company — which has been experiencing a rough time of late , reporting mid-term losses of $3.5m back in January .
4 A brass band from Point of Ayr Colliery , which has been given a temporary reprieve from closure after being included in a 90-day pit review , headed the rally .
5 In making his diplomatic push , Mr Bush agreed to continue US support for Unita , which has been receiving a covert aid programme of between $40-$50m ( £25-£30m ) a year .
6 Or put another way , the economic growth objectives are planned so as to be practicable without recourse to that part of oil and gas production which has been designated a foreign currency earner .
7 The comparatively recent date at which water flowed in these wadis is attested by the presence in some of the oases of fish from tropical Africa , while Pleistocene beds in the Atlas have a fauna which has been called a Zambezi fauna .
8 It has been an awful long time in the development , but V M Technologies , the semiconductor development affiliate of ASCII Corp , the software development company run by Kazuhiko Nishi , which has been having a rough time of it of late , has finally announced that it has completed the preparation to sell its long-promised home-grown microprocessor fully compatible with Intel Corp 's 80386 , the first 80386 clone developed in Japan .
9 American Airlines , based in Fort Worth , Texas , is presently losing about $81 million a month on the Stansted link , which has been running a daily Boeing 767 service to Chicago since June .
10 The crown consists of two circlet crowns welded together and into which has been set a cloth-covered headpiece .
11 Harden 's type-series ( 1956b , pp. 139–43 ) divided the total assemblage into a number of distinct categories , beakers with stems or claws , bell , bag or cone-shaped , with the related horns , pouch bottles , squat jars , bottles , palm cups and bowls , to which has been added a bucket-shaped vessel from the cemetery of Westgarth Gardens , Bury St Edmunds ( Suffolk ) ; slight variations have been made to the original typology ( Harden 1978 , pp. 2–6 ) .
12 This does not normally involve dismantling the disk drive , you just insert in the drive a special disk to which has been added a small amount of a cleaning fluid .
13 News that the French insurance giant , U A P , has been suspended until Monday , pending an announcement , lifted the U K insurance sector , which has been anticipating a European bid approach for one of its companies .
14 Throughout this chapter the emphasis has been directed towards the determinants and consequences of bargaining structure since this is a concept which has been accorded a considerable role in explaining a number of important collective bargaining phenomena both within and between national industrial relations systems .
15 Right , now , the next item is the press and we have a press officer , yeah , like to , perhaps say what 's been happening a little bit and , and you know talk about the next time .
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