Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb -s] [prep] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The cost per head will be £5.00 ( which allows for a contribution to NCT funds if enough of us go ) and its obviously sensible to arrange for us to share 4–5 cars .
2 They may also smear a market scent on a flower which acts as a beacon to other bees .
3 Episodes occur when winds are very light or calm and when upward dispersal of pollution is inhibited by a strong thermal inversion which acts as a lid to vertical movement of pollutants .
4 The upper part is circular , 30 feet in diameter , and is covered by a massive block of Istrian marble three feet thick and weighing 470 tons , which acts as a lid to the Mausoleum ( 197 ) .
5 Letterman 's notion of the universal spirit has a commercial aspect : it stands for that human striving which exists as a counter to the banality of human life in the suburbs and malls of our countries .
6 The Garden , under its Director Professor D.S. Ingram , specialises in taxonomic botany , which serves as a backbone to studies of biodiversity , biotechnology , and applied botanical research , as well as to plant physiology , genetics and many other plant-based sciences .
7 It weaves the societal framework which serves as a bridge to the next generation , preserving continuity and providing a wall against encroachment and disintegration .
8 Internal audit is defined as an ‘ independent appraisal within a department which operates as a service to management by measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system ’ ( para .
9 Well we come round to what happens in a moment to As and Bs .
10 For it is assumed that God , who is conceived in highly anthropomorphic terms , has given what amounts to a blueprint to humanity as to what His will may be .
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