Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] have [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Explain the reasons for any misunderstandings which may have arisen as a result of the management 's proposal .
2 There was a small top storey , a room on the flat roof which may have functioned as a sleeping place on hot summer nights : there were similar roof chambers on Egyptian houses too .
3 There was also a reduction in the number of elderly bus passenger casualties which may have resulted in a fall in the number of trips being made following the introduction of fares for concessionary travel .
4 Compound documents of this type are traditionally assembled by layout artists from the various elements which may have come from a typesetting house , design studio , photographer or elsewhere .
5 For several years , we were twins , which must have come as a surprise to my mother , then slowly she fell behind as I pulled ahead , year after year .
6 Basically , it reduces to the realization that man 's gelada-like past — which must have lasted for a very considerable period , even by the standards of evolutionary time — left an indelible stamp on both his id and his ego .
7 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
8 The NVQ system allowed learning at students ' own speeds compared with the three-year registration period of the Institute , which might have to change to an annual registration period and fee as a consequence .
9 It was a hard weather-beaten old face which might have belonged to a nobleman , a yeoman , a mariner , or a philosopher ; for there was so much of a man that you lost sight of superadded distinctions .
10 This was an unusual arrangement which might have worked in a perfect world .
11 Stephen Glover could have taken either of two ‘ angles ’ : a bitchy , scandal-strewn insider 's account , which might have appealed to a small audience of fellow scribblers and media junkies ; or a description of what it takes to launch a high-profile business in the teeth of fierce competition , which might have interested those thousands of readers who do not drink at London 's Groucho Club .
12 Critics of this view variously suggest that Socialist propensity to ‘ violence ’ anticipated that of the right ; that unnecessary enemies for the Republic were created by anticlericalism and , in general , too narrow a view on the part of the left as to what constituted acceptable ‘ Republican ’ values , credentials and behaviour ; and that the CEDA , a potentially Christian Democratic party which might have evolved in a genuinely democratic direction , was actually forced rightwards by the conduct of the left .
13 Morrison only completed some light running in the morning session at the army camp on a pitch which could have doubled as a minefield such were the undulations and mini-lagoons lying in wait for the unsuspecting .
14 My feet were secured by a length of electric cable which could have come from a table lamp .
15 Of course during the previous factional struggles it had been Trotsky who had been accused of advocating policies which would have led to a split between the working class and peasantry , but now it was Stalin who was in Bukharin 's sights .
16 Mr Runciman said it was decided to issue a profits warning which would have come as a bombshell .
17 The records are not hand-written ; they are more focused and less personal due to the wider audience , the variety of sources that can input to a debate is world-wide and some avenues of thought will survive through this to meet success which would have withered in a smaller community ; response time is faster and , confident in the formal date stamping and public manner of their input , scientists are more willing to share information earlier .
18 He was not prepared , however , to involve himself in the European war which would have resulted from a substantial direct intervention in Turkish affairs .
19 That important stroke was the result of Olazabal and Stewart narrowly missing birdie putts on the 18th which would have resulted in a play-off .
20 This is because smaller competing firms lose the benefits of size — economies of scale — which would have accrued to a single , large firm .
21 The other channel will draw on TV programmes transmitted around the world and will be financed entirely from licence fees , which will have to increase as a result .
22 In general we are our own worst enemies when it comes to enlarging and reinforcing our fears , so that what may have begun as a minor apprehension can escalate into a problem of mammoth proportions .
23 As more and more stone-filled gabions were built in to reduce the erosion which the scheme had set in train , it became apparent that Pandora 's box had been opened , and that what might have worked as a piece of traditional river canalization in the cohesive sediments found downstream had proved a recipe for disaster when applied in the unstable gravels of this upland brook .
24 It was with Rohde that Nietzsche had intended to spend the forthcoming year in Paris on what might have amounted to a non-classical refresher course .
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