Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 One of the practical tasks which may be taught to the patient in prone lying is how to get up from the floor .
2 Such a profit element may include not only a straightforward management fee but also a hidden profit , such as a discount , which may be given to the headtenant under a block policy of insurance .
3 Among the Dutch paintings on offer are two by Pyke Koch in the style termed Magisch Realisme , which may be compared to the German Neue Sachlichkeit .
4 The departmental secretary has a standard letter on file which may be refined to the precise addressees and description of the opportunity .
5 The possibility of increased virulence in these antibiotic resistant strains ( which may be related to the presence of plasmids encoding antibiotic resistance and virulence factors ) suggests that attempts to limit their selection by judicious use of narrow spectrum antibiotics should be considered at all times .
6 As yet there has been no detailed attempt to assess the possible effects of such hot-spot ‘ migration ’ on landscape development , but there is some evidence from the stratigraphic record of the movement of topographic swells across continents which may be related to the passage of hot spots or similar thermal phenomena .
7 It is also likely that interviews will generate further material ( old photographs , or old objects ) , which may be loaned to the school for the duration of the project .
8 But there are other factors which may be contributing to the lack of small fish in the upper layers of the sea — which is where the main problem seems to lie .
9 They characterise the management of secondary schools as having a number of features — many of which may be attributed to the absence of effective staff management policies .
10 It is worth your while to obtain detailed quotations at the outset and to insist upon a further quotation for any work which may be added to the schedule as you go along .
11 The deadline for comments , which should be sent to the same address , is 30 November .
12 The deadline for comments , which should be sent to the Director General , International Federation of Accountants , 540 Madison Avenue , New York , NY 10022 , US , is 31 January 1993 .
13 The deadline for comments , which should be sent to the same address , is 8 December .
14 The deadline for comments on the document , which should be sent to the same address , is 6 November .
15 The Editor welcomes articles , letters and comment which should be sent to the Public Relations Unit , Room D19 , Richmond Building .
16 As the hon. Gentleman will know , the draft treaty that my right hon. and noble Friend Lord Carrington has prepared identifies a range of safeguards which should be extended to the ethnic minorities in Yugoslavia .
17 Finally , I can not stress too strongly the importance which should be attached to the Bank of England having , within the limits laid down by the Act and the general law , unfettered and unimpeded scope for the exercise of their most important public duties of regulation under the Act in the interests of the public , who are surely entitled to rely on the Bank of England to exercise those powers with integrity .
18 The general approach adopted by the House of Lords to the weight which should be attached to the views of a child who has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision is clearly of great importance , but it is essential to bear in mind that their Lordships were concerned with the extent of parental rights over the welfare of the child .
19 It 's more the ‘ bells and whistles ’ of museum life which have grown so much in the last fifteen years , like restaurants , shops , publishing , which should be left to the private sector , and which generate important revenues for the museum .
20 Adolescence is a period of progressive transition from childhood to adulthood and as experience of life is acquired and intelligence and understanding grow , so will the scope of the decision-making which should be left to the minor , for it is only by making decisions and experiencing the consequences that decision-making skills will be acquired .
21 The other side of R6 has a wire attached which should be taken to the common ( -V ) foil track on the main board .
22 Yesterday , an appeal was also set up for adults and children 's clothes and shoes , which should be taken to the council headquarters at Bodlondeb , Conwy .
23 A major argument put forward against surrogacy is ‘ that to introduce a third party into the process of procreation which should be confined to the loving partnership between two people , is an attack on the value of the marital relationship ’ .
24 If the application is not dismissed , the court must fix a hearing , at least seven days ' notice of which must be given to the debtor ( or his solicitor if the application was made by his solicitor ) and the creditor and the person named in the demand , if any , with whom communication regarding the demand can be made .
25 With certain specified exceptions , a motion can only be placed before the council by a notice of motion which must be sent to the chief executive or clerk of the council within the time provided for in the standing orders .
26 The report must be sent to the bankrupt at least fourteen days before the hearing and , if the trustee is other than the official receiver , then the official receiver must also be sent a copy of the report , and he may file an additional report which must be sent to the bankrupt at least seven days before the hearing ( r 6.207(4) and ( 5 ) ) .
27 We have farms with dioxin-contaminated milk which must be transferred to the west midlands , where it is not being destroyed at the proper temperature , so dioxin is being spread in the west midlands .
28 There was another aspect of all this which will have heightened his sense of duty and commitment : in Judaism there is a law of redemption which must be applied to the first-born of any family .
29 It is just the ratio of initial compliances , which must be applied to the observations of J(t) before they are plotted . )
30 ( D18 ) which connects to resistor R30 on the board , the other fielding l.e.d. anodes can go to any of the output pins of IC7 , the whole sequence being random anyway , unlike the wicket sequence which must be wired to the outputs of IC2 in the correct order .
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