Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There will also be makeovers , cosmetics , new hair products and techniques and nail treatments which should provide you with lots of ideas .
2 It is probable that we are not yet aware of the extensive use made of the river system for bulk transport at that period , but there are indications which should alert us to it , such as the wharfage on the River Ver discovered in the 1954 — 7 excavation at the Park Street villa ( Saunders , 1963 , 118 — 123 ) .
3 Hume and Kant ( 1724–1804 ) are two towering giants of philosophy and our brief indications of their positions on morality — which must tear them from their systems as a whole — may irritate the knowledgeable , but with the space at my disposal and the particular purpose of supplying background to Part Two of this work , the only alternative was to ignore them altogether .
4 Writer Jane Roberts , who channelled Seth , says that she tended to ignore any desires which might distract her from her creative work , so she used to suppress the impulse to take physical exercise .
5 There are two reasons : firstly , in the summer of 1990 major work started on the church which could restore it to something like its original form ; this would make it interesting , because pilgrim churches are rare .
6 Prior to the 1970s , the penal system could plausibly legitimate itself by claiming as its raison d'être the rehabilitation of offenders , the provision of training and treatment which would cure them of their criminality , benefiting both them and society as a whole .
7 He watched the cars and buses and vans and trucks pass by him , and calculated how far he had to go to get to the next parked car which would shield him from them .
8 On the whole socialist feminists were suspicious of allowances on the grounds that they would undermine male wage-bargaining and preferred to argue , like Ada Nield Chew , for services in kind to support mothers in the ‘ drudgery ’ of child care ; Fabian women preferred direct payment to mothers in order to maintain their economic independence from their husbands and free them from the need to take on paid work which would distract them from their primary task of mothering ( Alexander , 1979 ) .
9 I was sixteen , the year of ‘ O ’ levels , and ii was beginning to look as though I would gain a respectable number of passes which would send me on my way to art school and my chosen career as a painter .
10 There was little time left before his meeting with Merymose , so he did not return to his house , but took a circuitous route which would bring him to their rendezvous at the moment the sun touched the top of the western cliffs .
11 The police would channel traffic from Deal , Canterbury and Ramsgate by different routes which would lead them to their allotted car parks .
12 And then she walked to the cavalcade which would whisk her to her flight back to London .
13 Nonetheless , exactly how this is done is a question which would take us beyond our immediate purpose .
14 With so much specialised knowledge , which would qualify her for nothing much except a pilot 's certificate , with her wellingtons over which the mud of many tides had dried , she had the air of something aquatic , a demon from the depths , perhaps .
15 Hewlett will share other object-oriented technologies for distributed object environments with Informix , which will integrate them into its Open Case/ToolBus environment , which is already based on the Hewlett-Packard SoftBench software development framework .
16 The humiliations may show us the strength of the opposition which the world , temporal and spiritual , sets up against him , but they promise too the kind of imaginative and moral strength which will raise him about it .
17 Operation of the network is being passed from PTT Telecom to its Unisource Business Networks joint venture , which will run it from its International Network Management Centre in The Hague .
18 To provide hospitality companies with information and advice on the skills and knowledge requirements of managers working in different sectors of the industry , in various European countries , which will assist them in their reqruitment and human resource development activities .
19 Objectives of the research included : to provide hospitality companies with information and advice on the skill and knowledge requirements of managers working in different sectors of the industry , in some European countries , which will assist them in their recruitment and human resource development activities ; to identify the education and training needs of managers moving within the European hospitality industry and offer a basis for the design of short courses , distance leaning materials and training packages to meet those needs , in collaboration with European partners ; and to assess the extent to which the skills and knowledge required by hospitality managers are generic and may be transferable across different industries .
20 Make sure it 's a really traumatic one which will haunt you throughout your adult life , like them plays on thursday night T.V.
21 More radical socialists have been prepared to go even further : either insisting that markets operate within a framework of planning , or even proposing that markets themselves be ‘ socialized ’ , by inserting into them new institutions and procedures which will rob them of their tendencies to inequality and producer dominance .
22 ‘ Now that I have got a diploma , I have a higher qualification for my job which will help me with my work and future progress ’ she said .
23 Hopefully you will have found some information in this chapter which will help you with your own mental agility .
24 It will give you lots of experience and information which will help you in your GCSE course work when you return to school .
25 There is a computer programme called FINDPHONE ( FF ) which can help you in your phonological analysis .
26 When one quiet weekend this February Mr Grosz left the country on a short trip to Switzerland , little did he know what would await him on his return .
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