Example sentences of "[Wh det] [was/were] [verb] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The town itself is in most respects unremarkable by comparison with its Devon neighbours , and like many of them flourished especially in the seventeenth century , heyday of the West Country cloth trade : when Celia Fiennes passed close by in 1698 , she found all Exeter and the country around making ‘ an incredible quantity of serges ’ which were sent from the port of Topsham to be sold in Europe .
2 Revelation fourteen and lo a lion was standing on the Mount Zion and with him a Hundred and Forty and four thousand which were redeemed from the Earth .
3 The pledges about post-war economic policy which were extracted from the government before Beveridge were due to the United States and the importance it attached to statements of economic war aims , which were incorporated in the Atlantic Charter and the Mutual Aid Agreement between the two countries .
4 Two further problems confronted the manager : was the national curriculum up to the age of 16 going to feed sensibly through to new policies which were emerging from the combination of general and vocational education from 16 to 19 ?
5 More significantly , it counterpoised the acquisition of land by the church — ‘ whereby the services which are due from such fees [ i.e. freehold ] and which were provided from the beginning for the defence of the realm are unjustifiably withdrawn and chief lords in respect of them lose their escheats ’ — with the good of the realm , for which the present ban is imposed .
6 A ten thousand pound reward is being offered for the recovery of six rare birds which were stolen from a bird sanctuary .
7 Nor has it always been the chub which were taken from the bottom ; several times the barbel have been on the bottom and the chub hovering above them .
8 The Egyptian press has received a fax , purportedly from the Jamaat Islamiya , now waging war on Egypt 's secular regime , which was sent from a post office in Peshawar , the Pakistani border headquarters for many of the remaining Arab Afghanis .
9 Water freight also embraced coastal shipping , particularly for heavy loads , such as the coal which was sent from the Tyne to the Thames .
10 But the light was as murky as that in the window , which was separated from the interior by a dusty , maroon velvet curtain .
11 All the cars were lighted by electricity , which was generated from the engine .
12 so it is erm something of a step forward , erm we 've had material in the past which you may have seen which was recorded from the telly , a couple of years ago in nineteen ninety
13 The document , which was developed from an exposure draft issued by the ASB in July 1991 , explains the authority , scope and application of accounting standards as well as setting out the procedures under which standards are issued and their relationship to international accounting standards .
14 Ards fell behind in the first five minutes when uncertain defence allowed left wing Bell in for a try which was converted from the touchline by Barnes .
15 A notable example of outside training and assistance from the educational sectors is to be found in a project which was run from the Department of Architecture and Building Science at the University of Strathclyde entitled ‘ User Education in the construction industry ; the development and promotion of a comprehensive teaching framework for information management as an integral part of construction course curricula .
16 A noxious sewage-type smell — thought to come from the boat 's toilet system — had engulfed their cabin , which was locked from the inside .
17 He had made a search of the house but eventually had found her body in a garage which was locked from the inside .
18 I have in front of me a copy of the data sheet produced by the company which makes it , which was incidentally the same company which made Opran , do you remember Opran which was withdrawn from the market , it 's just
19 I was on day duty with Jimmy Coutts and I was peacefully plotting a chart on the far side of the chart table , which was hidden from the entry door by the screen which ran nearly the length of the room .
20 That statement was not , in my view , ever intended to acknowledge the existence of any wider discretion than to exclude ( 1 ) admissible evidence which would probably have a prejudicial influence upon the minds of the jury that would be out of proportion to its true evidential value ; and ( 2 ) evidence tantamount to a self-incriminatory admission which was obtained from the defendant , after the offence had been committed , by means which would justify a judge in excluding an actual confession which had the like self-incriminating effect .
21 The best reference to an Emigration Society in Ayrshire is in the book , The Annals of Fenwick , by Tom D. Taylor , which was created from a diary kept by a Fenwick weaver .
22 And now Vincent could realise another of his dreams , which was to draw from the nude in heated premises .
23 They entered a large garden , which was protected from the heat by the umbrella of a huge and ancient vine , the shadow of whose leaves dappled the paved floor .
24 More than £25,000 worth of scientific equipment was missing , most of which was recovered from the boot of the three men 's stolen car .
25 It was also necessary to fabricate and fit a new rotating cowl to replace the louvred terminal which was missing from the apex of the south-east roundel .
26 It was known originally , however , as the ‘ Darby and Joan pie ’ as Mrs Kitson thought that the pensioners of Denby Dale should have their own community centre , but the village hall which was acquired from the proceeds of the 1964 pie — known appropriately as Pie Hall — benefits the whole community as it is in regular use by a variety of organisations .
27 Enlightened anticlerical views could only spread among a fairly small educated élite and in Russia , in spite of some ultraconservatives , it was the ruling class which was alienated from the church rather than the mass of the people .
28 Towels are kept warm on a 1930s ' heated rail which was rescued from a hotel in Manchester , and Sally stores her cosmetics in an elegant Regency mirror-on-stand .
29 The case indicates that the type of benefit which was provided from the property user was the fact that the taxpayer could live there without paying rent and that if the accommodation had not been provided he would have been obliged to hire a house elsewhere and pay rent for the same .
30 And the Plan would give Europeans a framework for activity which was removed from the institutions created to deal with the Cold War .
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