Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] for [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Front comprised political and religious organizations and parties based in Iraq and Jordan , including the Moslem Brotherhood , which agreed for the first time to co-operate without preconditions with nationalist and non-religious groups .
2 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
3 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
4 They were too alike , they annoyed and inflamed each other now and then , which made for a tricky situation .
5 Green also anxiously records bouts of measles , his youngest son Thomas having fits as a baby , and Joshua being troubled with erysipelas , which made for a tiring journey for him back to Keswick .
6 On Aug. 2 Nakayama and his Lao counterpart , Gen. Phoune Sipaseuth , signed three economic aid agreements which provided for a Japanese aid package to Laos totalling 1,636,630,000 yen ( approximately US$11,000,000 ) .
7 The recommendations of the Commission were not entirely adopted , but they did have an impact on the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act 1950 , which provided for a federal budget based on the functions and activities of the government .
8 In a series of meetings in early 1990 the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh pressed for more rapid progress even than that envisaged by the Aden declaration of Nov. 30 , 1989 , which provided for a formal declaration of a unified Yemen Republic on Nov. 30 , 1990 .
9 A referendum on June 28 endorsed the draft constitution elaborated by the Constituent Assembly [ see pp. 38420 ; 38585 ] , which provided for a parliamentary system with a strong presidency .
10 Meanwhile , talks were also continuing in Vienna on the implementation of the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , which had been signed in November 1990 by 22 states from eastern Europe and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) [ see pp. 37838 ; 38255 ; 38458 ] , and which provided for a multilateral reduction of troop deployment levels in Europe as well as a general reduction of conventional weapons stockpiles .
11 Miloš and Marasli negotiated a settlement which provided for a Serbian administration , based on a national council of the knezovi of each of the twelve nahijes , who in their own districts would work alongside a Turkish administrator ( müsellim ) .
12 The conflict was only resolved in late November when Spitaels and Deprez , leaders of the PS and PSC respectively , signed a declaration promising to ensure the financing of the measures decided , which provided for a monthly salary increase of BF2,000 from April 1991 and a further rise of 4 per cent from October 1992 .
13 A new constitution came into effect on Nov. 30 , 1990 , which provided for a multiparty system , direct elections and a free market economy , and dropped the designation People 's Republic , the country 's formal title becoming simply the Republic of Mozambique [ see pp. 37843-44 ] .
14 All were charged under the National Security Law which provided for a maximum penalty of death by hanging .
15 The so-called Endeavour Accord , which provided for the immediate lifting of the blockade and for the restoration of communications , education , health and power services , was reached after the two sides agreed to set aside the independence question for further talks within the next eight weeks .
16 Inoue reached an agreement on revision which provided for the legal system to be Westernized along approved lines , foreign judges to sit in cases involving non-Japanese nationals , and for tariffs to be raised without the achievement of tariff autonomy .
17 Instead , he proposed a package which provided for the highest degree of democratization permitted under the Basic Law , the colony 's Constitution which had been approved by China in 1990 .
18 The published version of the draft constitution , which provided for the direct election of the president for an eight-year renewable term , and allowed the president to issue emergency decrees , did not include an amendment approved by the Assembly recommending that Saddam Hussein be elected President for life .
19 The Knesset approved legislation on March 18 which provided for the direct election of the Prime Minister .
20 The free trade agreement between Canada and the USA ( signed in 1988 and implemented from Jan. 1 , 1989 ) , which provided for the eventual abolition of all customs duties between the USA and Canada after one , five and 10 years , continued to produce disputes between the two countries over specific items during 1990 .
21 Vietnam and the United Kingdom signed an agreement in Hanoi , the Vietnamese capital , on May 12 which provided for the forcible repatriation of all Vietnamese " economic refugees " from Hong Kong .
22 Balfour 's government introduced an Education Act which provided for an orderly scheme for elementary and secondary education in schools administered by Local Authorities .
23 The meeting was prompted by a draft secretarial order , issued by the US Interior Department in July , which provided for an expanded role for the new resident US representative in Belau [ see p. 37885 ] .
24 In 1978 a new constitution was promulgated which provided for an elaborate reversion to a tribal mode of rule involving an electoral college of eighty members chosen by forty local councils ( ‘ tinkhundla ’ ) , dominated by tribal elements .
25 At a meeting of the party 's national executive committee which prepared for a radical shake-up in Labour 's constitution , Mr Smith backed the sweeping away of union involvement in choosing the leader and MPs .
26 Syria and the International Atomic Energy Association ( IAEA ) signed accords in Vienna , Austria , on March 25 which allowed for the future inspection of all nuclear sites in Syria [ see p. 38788 for visit by IAEA officials to Syria in February ] .
27 This neatly sums up the sources of wealth , external and internal , which paid for the great Acropolis building programme .
28 The other two mammal species which bred for the first time were a pair of Geoffroy 's marmoset which had one youngster , and the cheetah female , Angie , who produced four cubs .
29 This led to the establishment of French language newspapers , edited by Frenchmen , which catered for a combined European and évolué readership .
30 Still others are active in campaigning or lobby groups such as the Philippine Drug Action Network ( PDAN ) which campaigned for a national drug policy and BUKAS which seeks to develop recommendations on public health policy .
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