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1 The split in the ruling National Salvation Front ( NSF ) of March 1992 was formalized when the NSF-22 December group ( supporting President Ion Iliescu ) held its founding conference on April 7 , electing as its leadership a 25-strong provisional national council and adopting a programme which described the NSF-22 December as a " social-democratic " party .
2 John Young 's was illustrated in The Building News on 4th September , 1857 , and Robert Kerr 's ‘ picturesque Renaissance ’ scheme , as he called it , which united the two offices in a magnificent north-facing block , was reviewed and illustrated in The Builder on 26th September .
3 I just wanted to s erm congratulate er whoever it was and put together the curriculum er programme which secured the three quarters of a million pound for all those which will I , I think I can understand extremely competitive and I would like to erm give credit to there because that will be enormously for the business which will give proper jobs er which is er very useful to the environment and , and , and really just to record erm that , that particular er success .
4 Visitors were able to see the versatility of design and product range by a display which portrayed the four themes of shipping , hotel and leisure , pubs and commercial interiors .
5 As his appointment preceded the 1932 Adult Education Regulations , Lee was not an Article 11 tutor but represented the new regional policy for provision developing at the Cambridge Board , which included the 1930 appointment of Harold Shearman as its tutor in Bedfordshire , and W. P. Baker in Cambridgeshire the following year .
6 They said that they had difficulties with those designs which combined the two offices in one building , as the prizes were to be awarded for both parts .
7 and J.B. ) , which occupied the two classrooms of the 1937 extension .
8 If we concentrate only on Japan and the East Asian NICs , the choices , although somewhat inchoate between national strategies , do appear to have some common elements oriented towards re-casting the organizational and industrial relations arena in terms consonant with those which marked the 1980s revival of neo-conservative liberal analysis .
9 About $18,000m of debt is affected by the downgrade , which left the Prime-1 rating on the company 's short-term debt unaffected .
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