Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] the [num] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Significantly , the same Parliament which passed the 1947 Agriculture Act also brought into being the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act , thus creating the planning system which , to this day , regulates all aspects of British life except agriculture and forestry , which remain exempt .
2 A final round of talks was scheduled to take place in China between all the Cambodian factions and France and Indonesia ( co-sponsors of the Paris conference which produced the 1991 peace agreement ) .
3 Kings who showed independence risked the fate of Pleistoanax , exiled in 446 — most unfairly , because Sparta ratified his provisional settlement with Athens , which became the Thirty Years Peace ( p. 46 ) .
4 Donald Mackay , a former junior minister at the Scottish Office , who was secretary of the Wheatley Commission which planned the 1975 council reforms , said it was far too early to undertake another reorganisation .
5 As a cricketer he deserves to be remembered for his 6 for 110 which levelled the 1936–37 Ashes series at Adelaide , or specifically the ball with which he bowled Hammond in that crucial innings .
6 I have seen one production which used the 1603 quarto version , one which used the uncut Folio text , but the majority were ‘ constructed ’ texts , omitting different passages and scenes from what is a very long play .
7 He has been at the head of many investigations , one major case being the doping of Bravefoot and Norwich , which disfigured the 1990 St Leger meeting at Doncaster .
8 In 1962 the BBC ‘ Gallery ’ programme discussed homosexuality , though with a very male bias , and focused on the debates which informed the 1967 Wolfenden Report .
9 The catering department at the Dome Leisure Centre , Doncaster , refitted its kitchens a few years ago and , with its suppliers ' advice , chose equipment which anticipated the five degree temperature requirements .
10 From the expressions on the faces of his audience , which included the two Pargeter girls , it was impossible to tell whether they were listening to him or not .
11 It was their deep love for the Llŷn landscape , and a desire to keep it protected for future generations , which prompted the three Keating sisters , Honora , Lorna and Eileen , and their eighty-year-old mother to buy Plas-yn-Rhiw and its fifty-eight acres in 1939 ; later they purchased over 300 acres more with the express purpose of giving the land to the trust .
12 The profile of the 1957 Lasdun development was established by previous buildings on the Tivoli Cinema site which predated the 1926 Aston Webb elevation .
13 FIFA were anxious to cut out the long-range back pass which marred the 1990 World Cup final in Italy .
14 Perhaps the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia which ended the Thirty Years War was the first to acknowledge the emergence of an international order which legitimated State sovereignty .
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