Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the members took it to a European court and spent a lot of their own money — twenty five thousand pounds — to try and get a discrimination judgement out of the European court , which failed at the last hurdle really , we think on political grounds really .
2 Like other Marranos in London , Carvajal prayed at the Catholic chapel of the Spanish ambassador , while simultaneously playing a leading role in the secret Jewish community , which met at the clandestine synagogue at Creechurch Lane .
3 Also , the amalgamation of unions which occurred at a rapid pace throughout the inter-war years greatly improved the organization and effectiveness of the trade union movement as the years progressed .
4 One notable effect the alternative social format contained lay in the assault upon the senses which occurred at a pragmatic level .
5 It was later provided that if the commissioner from the presiding burgh should be absent , or refuse to vote , the commissioner from the burgh which presided at the last election should have the casting vote and so backwards in rotation .
6 The enormous increase in the demand for lace was largely due to the fashion for lace curtains which came at the same time as a huge house-building programme , and buyers came from home and abroad to negotiate their deals in the Lace Market .
7 His poetry tells a different story : there was wide and profound sentience — of man and nature , of beauty and the beast , of times and seasons , of perception and tactility , of hearing and tasting , and smelling ; at the bottom of which remains an unresolved questing , a whole gamut of unanswered questions which drove at the very heart of what he most wished to believe .
8 There the officer class , which consisted at the regimental level largely of provincial nobles with a well-developed military tradition , showed itself increasingly hostile to the purchase of commissions by rich bourgeois , even if recently ennobled , and to the invasion of the army by the power of money .
9 The retrospective exhibition of the art of Alfred Sisley which opened at the Royal Academy of Arts at the beginning of July closes in London on 18 October but continues , with a slightly different selection of works , at the Musée d'Orsay , Paris ( 30 October-31 January 1993 ) and at the Walters Art Gallery , Baltimore ( 14 March-13 June 1993 ) , its only venue in the United States .
10 Internal chip design , which began at the same time that HaL Computer Systems Inc started developing its own proprietary 64-bit Sparc chips , aims at producing a 500MHz microprocessor by the fourth quarter of 1996 .
11 Internal chip design , which began at the same time that HaL Computer Systems started developing its own proprietary 64-bit Sparc chips , aims at producing a 500MHz microprocessor part by the fourth quarter of 1996 .
12 As is usual with a carnival , it started with a Fancy Dress Procession around the parish , which finished at the Shady Bower Field , and a great deal of thought went into the entries .
13 How much to vary the product according to the market was a problem which hit at the very heart of the business .
14 Discussions on these and other subjects , which started at the first consultation two years ago , will be developed further next August at the Third Indonesian Consultation on Theology and Communication .
15 The one who had accompanied him chasing the car simply glowered in the direction it had gone , while the other one , who had n't fired a shot , writhed by the roadside , trying to clutch a leg which trailed at an unnatural angle .
16 Following this was the rodeo World Championships on the Bitches which decided at the last minute to include a ladies ' competition .
17 In sharing the Reds ' upset win in that national trial he proved a bit of success as a distributor and made two scorching breaks which hinted at a swashbuckling touch to his nature : ‘ I was very keen to make a good impression in the trial because it took place a week after my ‘ B ’ debut against Ireland and I wanted to make up for two particular errors in that game .
18 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
19 The decline was mainly due to lower non-oil imports , which fell at an annual rate of 14% between the fourth quarter of 1990 and the first quarter of this year .
20 The leading sector , in terms of annual growth , had been data-processing equipment , which grew at an annual average of 30 per cent in real terms .
21 Surely there were many which went at a slow tempo , such as the first Beethoven Modlinger Dance I mentioned in my original article , the rapid-fire tattoos of its French horns ensuring a slow pace .
22 I stood at the edge of a circle of standing stones , each eight to ten foot high , with a massive central stone which leaned at a perilous angle .
23 These policies were incorporated into the Fifth Plan , formulated in 1964 and 1965 , which aimed at an annual rate of growth of profits of 8.6 per cent between 1964 and 1970 .
24 Metty is a misfit , as Golding 's Matty is in Darkness Visible , a novel which appeared at the same time as Naipaul 's .
25 I had been used to analysing speech — such as in a radio discussion — which ran at an average rate of 300 syllables a minute , depending of course on such variables as personality and regional accent ( for some accents are spoken much more rapidly than others ) .
26 a nationalism which stood upon a critique of the very idea of civil society , a movement supported by the bourgeoisie which rejected the idea of progress , the ideology of a political organisation fighting for the creation of a modern national State which accepted at the same time the ideology of ‘ enlightened anarchy ’ .
27 But in this period his salary , although not extravagant , was generous enough : the priest at Longdendale was allocated less than half the Master 's £10 , which stood at the higher level of salaries , ranging from £4 6 0d to £12 6 0d , at this time for such a position .
28 Yet Lord Burghley , Master of the Wards from 1561 to 1598 , made no attempt to exploit this revenue to the full : his period of control witnessed an immediate fall in the court 's income , which remained at a low level until his son took over .
29 At 31 , he already suffers from arthritis in the mis-shapen left arm that is the legacy of his first National ride , which ended at the third fence .
30 Second , just as Dear 's image of a few hundred ‘ young black criminals ’ was used to explain what happened in Handsworth , the problem of drugs was used to explain what happened at a national level .
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