Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some such unfortunates ultimately abandoned the East Indiamen for a place in the pilot service in India , after they had acquired sufficient influence with important passengers to secure such an appointment , while others might take a place as an officer of one of the so-called country ships , which operated only in the East and did not return to Europe .
2 Gray was also one of the twenty nurserymen in the Society of Gardeners led by Philip Miller [ q.v. ] , which met frequently in an attempt to standardize the names of the plants they were growing .
3 The precipitating factors for the closure of Banstead were not different from those which applied elsewhere in the country .
4 Other side effects which occurred only in the cyclosporin group included headaches , tingling and numbness in the extremities , tremor , hirsutism , and gingival hyperplasia .
5 She saved an old apple tree which the gale of 1987 had blown horizontal , but which sprouted again in the spring .
6 Edinburgh , Stirling and Paisley universities were among the institutions which fared well in the exercise , but there was some disappointment at Glasgow and Aberdeen universities .
7 His fits , which happened mainly in the evening or at night , would leave him disorientated and make his balance poor again .
8 The new five-party government , which was sworn in on April 12 , comprised those three parties which campaigned jointly in the election as the Alliance for Germany ( the CDU , the DSU and Democratic Awakening — DA ) , the SPD and the League of Free Democrats ( BFD , as the Liberal Democratic Party had renamed itself after the election — see p. 37302 ) .
9 In the centre of each courtyard were large earthenware water jugs which sweated gently in the breeze under the shade of thatched canopies .
10 We must suppose that the authorities through their agents actually created conspiratorial organisations and then instituted new capital offences ( such as that for oath-taking ) which existed only in the imagination or as a result of the provocations of their own spies .
11 The real problem is that Televisa 's experience in Mexico may have convinced it that a strategy which worked well in a market where the company was protected by the government is one that will succeed in the face of intense competition .
12 I tried all the baits which worked earlier in the season and varied my approach .
13 Cnut 's taking of a second , imperial , crown may well have been stimulated not only by a position in Scandinavia which emulated that of Swegen , but by achievements in Britain which lay firmly in a tradition established by the greatest of his royal Anglo-Saxon predecessors .
14 Rome had at this time little interest in the lands beyond , which lay mainly in the highland zone and were inhabited by the earlier and less civilized peoples .
15 This below-par performance was partly reflected in our share price , which fell sharply in the summer , [ though in line with the market it had recovered some ground by the year-end ] If , by Feb 11 , the price is on the way down , omit words in [ ]
16 Moiled breeders rarely recorded yields and , like the worthy old Italian breeds which dwindled drastically in the face of Italy 's similar bull-licensing laws in the
17 In 1978 and 1979 a series of changes began in Northern Ireland which resulted eventually in the direction and co-ordination of intelligence gathering activities by the Royal Ulster Constabulary Special Branch .
18 Later in the year a case which appeared only in the Sun and The Times was unusual in that the police suggested that they had a particular suspect in mind .
19 My back was to the wind which whistled coldly in the wire frame of my spectacles and cracked the loose folds of my robe .
20 During the interval it was a chastened but not dispirited European team which lunched together in the solitude of the team H.Q. We will never learn what was discussed but there is no doubt that it had the desired effect .
21 If there were absentees from the gathering of Khans and Noyons which waited sycophantically in the antechamber through which they left the palace , Alexei supposed they were the result rather of an excess of celebration than of flight in the face of possible discovery or inquisition .
22 It was hot and dry and there was a thin layer of grey dust over everything , including the famous plane-trees which languished ungreenly in the heat .
23 A dull rumble from above shook loose drops of water from between the joints in the roofing slabs , which sparkled briefly in the torch beam .
24 The summit was hidden , enfolded in a circle of white cloud which glittered brilliantly in the sun .
25 Looking at the report and using the present criteria for increase in pensions and these are the figures that I did n't produce but er they look pretty bleak as I said because what the pensions can expect next year will be eighty four P for single pensioners and one twenty eight in that area for a couple and then we had look at we have some concern of what happened yesterday in a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who said he is going to extend V A T and also it has now been that instead of putting on half of it in nineteen ninety four he put the full pile at seventeen and a half percent in nineteen ninety four because what was being saved is that if he 's leave the other half to nineteen ninety five it 'll be round near the elections and er there could be some difficulty .
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