Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If there was a redistributive aspect to funding of the national debt and its associated taxation , it was largely one which operated within the ranks of the better-off .
2 Sargent 's suggested solution to this problem can be seen by looking at the simple n = 3 case , which led to the restrictions of equation ( 3.50 ) .
3 By December 1858 St Petersburg had taken two of the three decisions which led to the statutes of 1861 : the decision to emancipate and the decision to emancipate with land .
4 The University appears , then , to have great admiration for the fact that , among other things , Caspar Weinberger : a ) supported the Contra rebels in a war which led to the deaths of some 30,000 Nicaraguans and which was declared illegal by the International Court of Justice .
5 Witness , for example , the wildly discrepant assessments of the effectiveness of allied air-raids in the first days of the war or the ‘ classification error ’ which led to the deaths of hundreds of civilians in Baghdad .
6 Even in 1987 the brand new ship was suffering smells similar to those which led to the deaths of Katherine and James Tomlins .
7 SWINDON 'S Achilles heel in 1990 — the revelation of which led to the convictions of former chairman Brian Hillier and ex-County Ground accountant Vivien Farrar .
8 For centuries before the arrival of Westerners it had been the symbol of the soul and of eternal life ; and for the Chinese , who traded with the southern islands long before the time of Christ , the bird became associated with the phoenix myth — which crept across the continents into the mind of medieval Europe , even before it was known that the world was round .
9 Large generic social services departments , which arose from the proposals from the Seebohm Committee on Local Authority and Allied Personal Social Services ( 1968 ) were set up at this time .
10 He followed with particular attention the progress of General Juin 's French Expeditionary Force , which fought alongside the Allies in Italy and in May 1944 achieved a crucial breakthrough in the German line south to Rome .
11 The flocks of sheep which grazed in the pastures near the villa were similar to the Soay breed — hardy creatures which produced milk and hard-wearing wool .
12 Throughout the 1930s Hollywood was to make films condemning various abuses and malpractices in the American system and there were always to be films which clung to the conventions of the city film as they had emerged in the early part of the decade .
13 The knife gripped between his teeth slightly distorted Rev. Levitt 's articulation but did not inhibit his chatter , which rose above the shrieks of the fowls beating their wings in panic against the coop and the even more frenzied squawking of the hen imprisoned in his hands .
14 In order to wean the company away from a reliance on theatre plays , he set up a major script department which drew on the talents of writers like Frank Launder , Sidney Gilliatt , Val Guest and Michael Pertwee , as well as occasionally giving jobs to young writers like Christopher Isherwood .
15 An excess of confusion and costs would attend a system which provided for the affairs of the street to be regulated by its inhabitants , and likewise those of the hamlet , parish , market town , county and region .
16 Historians have indi-cated a ‘ structural weakness ’ in the Angevin Empire which stemmed from the obligations of its rulers to perform homage to the French crown from 1151 onwards for most of their continental dominions .
17 He argues that a demand which emanated from the earnings of export staples became itself the driving force behind even greater efforts to balance the increasing import of desired English manufactured goods .
18 The downtown antique shops which clustered in the streets off the Marktplatz sold the bric-a-brac , not of the nineteenth but of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
19 In Chapter 6 , it was suggested that one factor which contributed to the variations in fortune between different towns was the extent to which they had been affected by developments in the manufacture of cloth .
20 As we have already mentioned , there were many factors which contributed to the trends to ‘ total war ’ in the first half of the twentieth century .
21 These disagreements themselves make it clear that there can have been no dramatic recovery which compensated for the losses from the fourteenth-century plagues ; any such marked increase would have left no scope for argument .
22 " She 's in voluntary liquidation , " said Martha , but she fetched a piece of old towelling and began to rub the cat , which squinted through the folds of white material like Lazarus through the grave-clothes .
23 This was not a situation which appealed to the neo-mercantilists in the Cabinet .
24 President Arias announced the deal on Oct. 27 as delegates arrived in Costa Rica for a Pan-American summit meeting [ see p. 36972 ] , and he acknowledged the support of the USA in reaching the agreement , which came under the auspices of the Brady plan [ see pp. 36541-42 ] .
25 All the usual revenues received by a temporal ruler were exploited — payments from towns and castles , taxes and procurations , and also the income in the shape of rents and the payments from tenants which came from the lands of which the pope was proprietor .
26 She gave a hard , contemptuous laugh which jarred on the ears of the listeners .
27 The second deals with the relation of Russia to the rest of the world , and includes the existence of an elite of Russians , exiled by the czar , who had become sophisticated socialists , as well as those aspects of foreign policy which played into the hands of the revolutionaries .
28 Erm so the , the procedure then was er in the early part of this century , most important er amendment , whose number I 've forgotten , but in about nineteen twelve I think it was er a , an amendment was passed which added to the powers of the federal government the right to levy an income tax er and er that transformed the relationship between the federal government and the states because the erm potential revenues to be derived from income tax are huge .
29 The beech , which suffered from the effects of the 1976 and 1984 droughts , is now starting to recover .
30 The city provost and his marshals became more organised , clamping down more ruthlessly on the legion of thieves which flourished in the slums around the Rue Saint Antoine .
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