Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [to-vb] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 They did n't work for the Labour Party , which failed to persuade the voters of the value of self-sacrifice .
2 It was assumed that spoken forms which failed to observe the rules of morphology and syntax considered appropriate to written forms were ‘ incorrect ’ and ‘ ungrammatical ’ .
3 The main buyers were those plants which planned to delay the introduction of desulphurizing " scrubber " equipment .
4 The movement towards caveat venditor , at least in consumer sales , was confirmed by the Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 which sought to implement the recommendations of the Law Commission Report No 160 on Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1987 ) .
5 Some of its most significant early relations were with the guild merchant , which sought to regulate the conditions of urban trade .
6 In research for the programme , which sought to build a dossier of evidence on Docherty 's life , the Manchester United halfback Pat Crerand painted a picture of extraordinary conflict within the club .
7 And this organization , which sought to protect the rights of the newly colonized , provided much of the original intellectual and moral impetus which led ultimately to the formation of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain .
8 On Aug. 23 the Minister of Home Affairs , S. B. Chavan , presented a bill to the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) which sought to prohibit the conversion of any place of worship that existed at the time of India 's independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 .
9 He eventually capitalized on his knowledge of Europe by publishing in 1796 both a set of five maps of the Rhine , Meuse , and Scheldt and a survey entitled A Developement of the Views and Designs of the French Nation , which sought to warn the English of certain French activities .
10 For example , Lord Crowther-Hunt considers that the Queen would be perfectly " justified " in withholding her consent from a bill which sought to abolish the House of Lords even if the government proposing this had secured a mandate through the manifesto set before the people at a general election .
11 According to defence analysts the US offer signalled cuts deeper than those required by the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty ( START ) ( signed in July 1991 ) which sought to reduce the number of " accountable " warheads held by the USA and the Soviet Union to 6,000 each [ see p. 38320 ] .
12 ’ An absentee also included anyone who was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine for a place outside Palestine before 1 September 1948 , or for a place in Palestine held at the time by forces which sought to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel or which fought against it after its establishment . ’
13 Fears about the economy also made some employers and politicians , as we shall see , a little more receptive to economic theories and proposals which promised to diminish the ill-effects of the swings of the trade cycle .
14 These arguments had not at first cut much ice with social democrats , but two further ideological strands came to prominence in this period which helped to put the advocates of social progress through public spending and ‘ welfarism ’ onto the defensive , or even convince them of the folly of their ways : the monetary theory of inflation , and the ‘ too few producers ’ thesis of Bacon and Eltis ( 1976 ) .
15 At various times in the past a ‘ younger generation ’ has vigorously asserted its claims to cultural and political leadership ; a notable recent example , which helped to reawaken the interest of social scientists in the problem of generations , being the youth movements ( especially the student movement ) and ‘ youth culture ’ of the 1960s , which had , for a time at least , and perhaps in a more enduring way , a considerable impact upon cultural and political life in the industrial countries .
16 A part of the ideology of ‘ muddling through ’ was an acceptance of pragmatism in social policy , even a glorying in it , which helped to sustain a distrust of too much expertise , particularly in a scientific field .
17 Rachel Carson 's book Silent Spring which highlighted the dangers of industrial and agrochemical pollution back in 1962 , was enormously influential , as were the writings of Paul Ehrlich in the early 1970s which helped to inspire the establishment of the Green movement .
18 Indeed it was the sheer beauty of some of the finer implements from these remote periods which helped to excite the interest of the collectors who laid the foundations for the scientific study of prehistory .
19 To do this local authority community health services were transferred to health authorities and multiprofessional management teams were set up which tried to balance the power of acute medicine by upgrading the influence of primary care , community medicine and nursing .
20 It led to the Parliament Bill which proposed to restrict the power of the Lords , also introducing a limit of five years for the life of any Parliament , and strengthened the position of Mr. Asquith as Prime Minister .
21 In Western minds the period is associated with the saga of Antony and Cleopatra , but for ordinary Egyptians at the time , one of the greatest legacies was the introduction of Christianity which came to replace the worship of the river and a panoply of associated gods that had characterised the religious life of the pharaonic age .
22 To some extent this emphasized a definition of community care , used particularly in relation to people with mental health problems , which came to mean a form of care which was non-hospital care and therefore included residential care .
23 Associated with this corporatist trend , which seemed to decrease the power of the traditional peripheral politicians , was the development of regionalism as a policy mode , to which we referred earlier .
24 From being with a squadron on a war footing at Driffield — which was a pleasant oasis in the East Riding of Yorkshire — to arriving in the Highland town of Forres , which seemed to welcome the inmates of Kinloss. was like fumbling through a series of dark curtains into some broad sunlight .
25 These new men showed they had neither the time nor the political inclination to instigate a programme of Whig reform ; indeed , partly reacting against the Jacobite challenge of 1715 , they introduced a number of measures designed to ensure their and the new dynasty 's political security which seemed to represent an abandonment of what Whiggery had traditionally stood for .
26 There was a robust strength about all Australian stations which seemed to reflect the character of the early colonies , their ambitions , and the part they would play in a successful Commonwealth in the twentieth century .
27 Tamar stood for few moments studying the turbulent river , which seemed to reflect the turmoil of her thoughts .
28 Eliot felt that at Munich there had been a betrayal which seemed to demand an act of almost personal contrition .
29 Its advent was auspicious in that following the Second World War the strenuous efforts of many social scientists , especially in the United States , to secure a more acceptable place for social science , which itself contributed to many of the techniques which became part of variable analysis , was served by a way of thinking which seemed to offer a way of emulating some of the crucial features of the scientific method .
30 They loved Polly 's garden which seemed to have a magic of its own .
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