Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Calico , which got started back in the early 1980s and which Unir claims AT&T could n't push because of USL and C++ , has reportedly 200 man/years invested in it .
2 Schools went in for a lot of physical education , ‘ drill ’ , which involved jumping about in a drafty hall with your skirt tucked into your knickers if you were female .
3 The first part of an explanation would be the extent of belief in Hitler which had built up in the years before 1940 .
4 Finally , guberniia executive committees were charged with the resurrection of village reading-rooms , most of which had gone under in the changed economic conditions of NEP .
5 Such a proposal is now of another era , however , and I was present when an ex-Dean of Academic Studies at the college presented a paper ( Stead 1980 ) attacking the trend to expensive , amalgamated police units which had grown up in the previous two decades .
6 Donald Wilson was very much of the BBC 's ‘ old school ’ which had grown up in the wake of Lord Reith .
7 They each had totally different stories , totally different perceptions of what had gone on in the meetings .
8 These were Allen 's and Marian 's guesses as to what had gone on in the darkness but the rest of the story of those two hours before dawn was easily pieced together from Tom All Alone 's account .
9 ‘ Christ … ’ said Cardiff in a hollow voice , when he saw what had happened out in the storm .
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