Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] been [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 The results of applying the market model to these data are shown in Fig. 6.7 , where the ex-post returns have been plotted against betas which have been adjusted for the changes in the cash holdings of the unit trusts : Ward and Saunders argue that these managerial decisions are particularly important in determining unit trust performance .
2 Of course , the letters ( which have been created for the British Institute of Management ) have been generalized , but you can tweak and customize them to suit your needs .
3 They are already down in Cardiff but ASLEF apparently is objecting to the very small cabs which have been created for the driver at one end .
4 The profession had already been reviewing the role of the pension scheme actuary and this groundwork will be useful in responding to the calls which have been made for the professionals involved in pension funds , including actuaries , to play a stronger role .
5 Costs from more routine accidents build up , and it is these sorts of accidents which have been costed for the HSE study .
6 This is the reason why many ethologists are hesitant to apply the insights of the theory of natural selection , which have been gained for the social behaviour of animals with only rudimentary cultures , to the behaviour of our own species .
7 Wade 's purpose is not primarily theoretical , although he reviews those explanations which have been offered for the various classes of illusion .
8 It is in fact the Bank of Japan 's tight monetary policies which have been blamed for the downturn .
9 The LIFESPAN user name and password which have been allocated for the work about to be done must now be entered .
10 Regarding the lower levels , it now seems that the first-century building was an elaborate Roman house richly decorated with stuccoes and fresco , the remains of which have been published for the first time .
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