Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This cell column underlies a unit area of mucosal surface , the dimensions of which correspond to the thickness of the section and to the width of the ocular grid — that is , 960 µm .
2 For instance , when the scale of production increases , horse or steam power is likely to be substituted for manual labour ; materials are likely to be brought from a greater distance and in greater quantities , thus increasing those expenses of production which correspond to the work of carriers , middlemen and traders of all kinds .
3 Other ingredients in the exhibition include a series of reworked pictures decorated with dead flowers , a group of vitrines containing small tableaux which correspond to the imagery of his paintings , and a survey of watercolours created during the last ten years and encompassing the familiar iconography of Valhallas and palettes with wings .
4 John Searle has compared the computational view of mind to an Englishman who has no understanding of Chinese processing Chinese symbols according to rules which correspond to the grammar of Chinese : what he deals with may be meaningful Chinese sentences , but he is none the wiser .
5 Turning from the attractions of the Scotch whisky industry , can the Minister give us more information about the important regulatory aspects of getting companies which sub-contract to the Ministry of Defence to pay their bills or have them paid quickly ?
6 In the sea off Gabicce are the vestiges of the ancient city of Valbruna which testify to the existence of a seaside civilisation here more than 3,000 years ago .
7 ‘ The court may grant the application if — ( a ) the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross demand which equals or exceeds the amount of the debt or debts specified in the statutory demand ; or ( b ) the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial ; or … ( d ) the court is satisfied , on other grounds , that the demand ought to be set aside .
8 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
9 There are over 30 muscles in the chick limb which attach to the cartilage at one end and to tendons at the other .
10 The individual is a living biological animal who is born , develops to maturity , grows old and dies ; the person is the set of offices and roles which attach to the individual at any particular stage in his life career .
11 The debate on the adjournment is free from the inhibiting limitations which attach to the asking of a question .
12 Nevertheless , there are some important differences which attach to the categorisation of the transaction as a contract of hire : ( 1 ) The hirer is not a person who has " agreed to buy " for the purposes of s9 of the FA 1889 .
13 So , there are a range of senses which attach to the idea of the student 's critical abilities , reflecting different value positions .
14 The Renaissance is an Italian phenomenon which spread to the rest of Europe .
15 This leads to a sense of eternal harmony " and I knew the infusion and understanding of heavenly spiritual sounds , sounds which pertain to the song of eternal praise and to the sweetness of unheard melody " ( 15.93 ) .
16 Various authors have attempted to investigate the qualities which pertain to the nature of spatial order as such ( e.g. Hillier and Hanson 1984 ) , and many others have investigated the social use of space with particular reference to architecture ( e.g. Ardener ed. 1981 ; Gilsenan 1982 : 164–214 ; King ed. 1980 ) .
17 Polymers — there are various types , such as silicone polymers which cling to the hair with effective conditioning benefits .
18 It is worth bringing home olive oil which is produced in profusion here , and perhaps a dessert wine from the incredible terraced slopes which cling to the hillside of the Cinque Terre .
19 I am talking about phrases which speak to the country by capturing its mood or its hopes .
20 We have now examined the complete survey for single GKM I to IV stars , yielding 31 new detections , all of which lie to the left of the dividing line .
21 The two black groups , which stand to the left of the African National Congress , are accused of attacks on white farmers .
22 Clearly the expenditures undertaken by a regional trading regime require a lower level of funding compared to an organisation which adopts positive policies which add to the range of expenditures .
23 As well as identifying patterns and processes which explain structure in the specific helminth communities of both intermediate and definitive hosts , it also contains substansive new observations which add to the understanding of the overall ecological and evolutionary relationships of parasitic communities .
24 There is such a large vocabulary that one can differentiate between slightly different meanings without resorting to qualifying words which add to the length of the statement .
25 The fibres of the optic nerve issue from the inner aspect of the medulla interna and divide into anterior and posterior bundles , which pass to the centre of the protocerebrum .
26 Building Regulations contain strict fire prevention regulations , some of which refer to the treatment of surfaces to prevent fire spreading too rapidly .
27 The general claim that such a variation is disadvantageous has no role in the explanation of the fact that the individual displaying it fails to reproduce ; selection does not involve ‘ criteria ’ which refer to the endpoint of the process .
28 " Postcript : and so to bed " , an unmistakable token of its author 's skill and wit , is presented in the form of a short story narrated from two viewpoints , His and Hers , which allude to the style of actionbooks and romances respectively .
29 The courts have instead tended to consider a number of factors which point to the existence of an obligation of confidentiality .
30 Brooks , Doudy , and Al-Rawi ( 1984 ) published the results of seismic refraction/wide angle reflection experiments in southwest England which point to the presence of a mid-crustal reflector dipping gently southwards at depths of 10–15 km .
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