Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [not/n't] [vb infin] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are amazed to be prosecuted when currently there are many brokers , other mortgage advertisers , and major building companies who are running ads contrary to the Act which do not mention APR at all , and they are getting away with it .
2 Using steady state vowels , which do not convey information by means of distinctive articulatory features , no laterality effect was obtained .
3 There are a number of confounding factors in our deliberation , such as level of knowledge of BSL and the styles involved , attitudes which do not treat BSL as an adequate language code , and the pressures and difficulties of the interpreting task itself .
4 This was not because he had any interest in values realized in animal life , but because he believed that some degree of goodness pertained to things or states of affairs which do not involve consciousness of any kind .
5 Will the Secretary of State name to the House any allegedly independent gas-fired generating projects which do not involve investment from regional electricity companies ?
6 Under the new Housing ( Scotland ) Act secure tenancies will be replaced by assured tenancies which do not give security of tenure .
7 Lexical repetition is therefore a much safer option in cases where ambiguity of reference may arise and in contexts which do not tolerate ambiguity in general and ambiguity of reference in particular .
8 At a time of growing interest in the art of cultures and societies which do not form part of the Western tradition , the Los Angeles County Museum is mounting an exhibition which will examine the affinities between modern and contemporary art and the work of naive or untrained painters not belonging to the sophisticated infrastructure of galleries , museums and other international art activities .
9 Those courts which do not form part of the Supreme Court of Judicature are collectively known as inferior courts .
10 On the other hand , there are in some cases statements of principle in general terms , which do not form part of the ratio decidendi and in others statements in dissenting judgments which it seems to me should be considered when the present question has to be resolved .
11 Social anthropologists employ comparatively few technical terms which do not form part of the ordinary colloquial language to which they have been accustomed since childhood .
12 release of provisions from last balance sheet trading with other companies controlled by the vendors but which do not form part of the transaction
13 Guinness Enterprises consists of those companies which do not form part of the Group 's core activities in beer and spirits .
14 There are two magnetic conditions , which do not affect orientation on sunny days ( left ) but do on overcast days ( right ) .
15 As for the comparison with regions within the country which do not have balance of payments accounts , the balance of payments is a record of transactions between areas with genuine informational content even in these examples .
16 It is not defamatory to predict , incorrectly , take-over or cessations of business , which might have the effect of injuring trade but which do not reduce esteem for the trader .
17 In a letter of 1794 he wrote : ‘ Yet the highest and most craggy parts , two acres of which do not afford sustenance for six months to one sheep , might with a great prospect of success , be planted with larches . ’
18 Tenant 's fixtures are those fixtures which the tenant fixes into the property for the purposes of his trade , but which do not become part of the structure itself ( New Zealand Government Property Corp v H M & S Ltd [ 1982 ] 1 All ER 624 ) .
19 Direct access to university libraries is still required for those theses deposited before the individual university began participating in the BLDSC microfilming scheme , and for the very small number of UK universities which do not take part in that scheme .
20 A new study by UN economists claims that farming contributes one-XXXX third less to national economies than the totals given by official figures , which do not take account of environmental losses such as soil erosion .
21 Even then , some may gain more than others , and this could lead to other options being sought which do not produce gain for everyone .
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