Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many of these management structures and processes have long histories — quality circles and Japanese corporate practice are two trends which influence current thinking in business management aspirations , expectations and structures .
2 At prices which mean exceptional value for money .
3 The hotel 's spacious 9-hole course is the setting for the new Academy of Golf — a series of one-day events which combine serious tuition with golfing fun .
4 ( Hobsons Ltd ) A guide to all courses in universities , polytechnics and colleges which combine full-time study with training and experience in industry and commerce .
5 The Institute of Directors has published proposals for pollution control which favour voluntary action by business , as opposed to compulsory regulations imposed by the government or the EC .
6 Additives can be used to enhance the appearance of poor quality food , for example polyphosphates which bind excess water into ham or fish , increasing the volume of the product yet diluting its nutrients .
7 I think there are aspects of the world in which we live and , and er , in which the church lives which make common confession of faith particularly difficult er today .
8 Not much remains of them , not much of their songs and dances and stories , ‘ the things , ’ as the Dorman says , ‘ which make human life worth living . ’
9 Members of the lowest stratum in stratification systems which provide little opportunity for improvement of status tend to have a fatalistic attitude towards life .
10 Clearly this is useful for tasks which involve extensive scanning of information sources and deliberations about what action to take .
11 The Society is highly critical of the Seaside Awards [ see ED 55 ] launched by the Tidy Britain Group with backing from tourist authorities and the government , which place great emphasis on beach facilities and take a more relaxed attitude to water quality .
12 Among its findings on freshwater quality the report mentioned : ( i ) high levels of phosphates in rivers , lakes and reservoirs in most of central and southern England , which cause excessive growth of surface plants such as algae which in turn damage wildlife ; ( ii ) acidification of rivers and lakes in some parts of Scotland , northern England and Wales to such levels that they are almost devoid of fish ; ( iii ) one in eight sewage plants still not operating within discharge limits ; ( iv ) periodic high levels of pesticide pollution in drinking water ; and ( v ) a high proportion of freshwater sites used for recreational purposes failing to meet the standards set by the European Community directive on bathing water .
13 Studies which show apparent equality in decision-making between husbands and wives often omit or do not give due weight to many of the more important decisions such as where to live , when to move or when to buy a new car ( Gillespie , 1972 ) .
14 Some of these high estimates for the nineteenth century , which put mean age at menarche higher than in previous periods , have been questioned ( Bullough 1981 ) .
15 Many observers regard the letter by the Climate Council as an initial salvo in an effort to discredit the IPCC 's projections , which put great emphasis on fossil fuels as a cause of global warming .
16 They may also be able to tell you about local organisations which give practical help with gardening or decorating .
17 These are just two of many aspects of this Directive which give serious cause for concern , and it is not just Britain , but also Germany , Holland and Belgium that have reservations .
18 There have been some events which give qualified cause for optimism .
19 There are two matters which merit particular attention in relation to abuse .
20 The most conspicuous of the persistent appendages are the cerci of the 11th segment , which exhibit wide diversity of form and may even be transformed into forceps , as in the Japygidae and the earwigs .
21 They lowered blood pressure in patients with hypertension , prevented irregularities of the heartbeat which might be caused by adrenaline , reduced mortality after coronary thrombosis , and , perhaps most importantly of all , they revealed the complexity of the factors which control cardiac activity in man , and the difficulties of predicting the effects drugs will have without first carrying out extensive and detailed experiments , both in the laboratory and in the clinic .
22 Unfortunately , this does not address the question in which cases such service is required ; it does not , read strictly , touch those provisions of the law of the state of origin which allow valid service by notification au parquet or , for that matter , affixing the document to the courthouse door .
23 Within education , enabling environments are those which allow full access to learning and free expression of knowledge , skills and understanding .
24 Instead of the anaerobic gravel layer of old style aquaria , this now becomes a biologically active aerobic medium supporting bacteria which decompose organic matter to carbon dioxide and water and oxidize ammonia to nitrate .
25 It calls for the removal of those subsidies which encourage profligate use of energy , water and pesticides , with environmentally-damaging consequences , and those which promote unsustainable economic activities — such as cattle ranching on deforested land in Brazil .
26 There are other factors which underpin economic activity in market societies .
27 Bergenia " Bressingham Ruby " has large smooth long-lasting rounded leaves which turn deep red in winter conditions and rich red flowers .
28 Today it is not so much fluoridation as nitrates and pesticides which generate international conflict over water quality .
29 The final point , on the purely technical side , is that accessories which offer automatic dialling of telephone numbers via a Hayes-compatible modem wo n't necessarily work in the UK .
30 A biography is not a monograph , and , indeed , there are biographies of painters which do little justice to art .
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