Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [to-vb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are forces at work within the limits of the urban community — within the limits of any natural area of human habitation , in fact — which tend to bring about an orderly and typical grouping of its population and institutions .
2 Some of these rules are concerned with the different components which go to make up a traditional story — the kind of story which is orally handed down from generation to generation .
3 The Met Office regards last summer as one of those exceptions from the norm which go to make up the typical British weather rather than some trend for the future .
4 Later , it is important to try to understand and work through the different strands of feeling which go to make up the total experience of loss .
5 Though he does not develop the metaphor , Paul would , I think , agree with the fuller details to be found in I Peter : individual Christians are spiritual stones which go to make up the spiritual temple which is built on Christ ( I Pet .
6 There are one or two passably funny lines which fail to make up a coherent , witty whole but are suddenly shot out from an invisible pea-shooter as if whipped from Ms Rudner 's stand-up routine .
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