Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the latter view which at first sight seems to challenge Tormey 's theory , for any ‘ expression ’ by the actor implies a subjective/objective relationship , the inner meanings of which remain hidden from the audience .
2 And that prediction comes from a man who should know — George Best , who witnessed the brilliant individual goal by Giggs which put United in the driving seat at White Hart Lane .
3 None was so sweet ( without being cloying ) as that burst of theatrical sunshine at the Comedy Theatre in the West End during a fatal summer heatwave which put paid to the show 's box office takings as well as Warren 's plucky managerial debut .
4 He may be a bit ropey at times but he plays his best for us and do n't forget the goals he scored , including one which put paid to the scouse red shite in 1991 .
5 Untrained in any art school , commencing his career in the early 1930s , a homosexual , addicted to the sleazier pleasures of Soho , living for a large portion of his life in the same seedy studio in South Kensington , eschewing all official honours , and a stranger to what used to be called the ‘ salons ’ of high society , he succeeded in expressing in frightening imagery the horrors which lie embedded below the surface of life .
6 Rats run freely over the shrouded corpses which lie abandoned in the corridors .
7 Those firms which get caught in the middle appear not to do so well .
8 At the top of the fountain , the spray breaks up into individual droplets which get carried by the wind and fall a long way from the vent , so that downwind of the fountain there is a shifting curtain of glowing droplets showering down .
9 These two clones ( clones 3 and 6 , see ref 13 ) may bear the closest resemblance to gastric parietal cells and contain secretory organelles within their cytoplasm , which become incorporated into the cell membrane in the presence of histamine .
10 Of course the advanced atherosclerotic plaque is a very complex structure , but the early lesion is very much a process which involves the intima of the artery and is characterised by proliferation of smooth muscle cells which have migrated from the media of the artery ( Woolf , 1983 ) .
11 Illustrating twenty-six such fragments which have crept onto the art market in recent years , Wildenstein states that they were preserved against Monet 's instructions and drily declares that they have no artistic worth .
12 The final stage of work is on the desalinisation of the vault and walls which have suffered through the centuries from water seepage ( from 1580 until 1811 the crypt was completely closed to visitors for this reason ) .
13 The Sandinista leaders themselves identify four elements which have contributed to the evolution of their ideology , one of which is the Marxism of the student sub-culture in the 1950s , another of which is the example of Cuba .
14 It therefore examines those issues which have contributed to the formation of wide ranging perceptions held by those actively involved in both the formation and implementation of scientific investigations in various related industries .
15 Such a view ignores the combined impact of adversarial divorce courts , lack of support for separating couples going through loss and change , lack of awareness of different roles and responsibilities of step-parents , lack of recognition of step-families in legal or welfare systems , and the negative image of step-families , all of which have contributed to the difficulties of remarriage and a rising re-divorce rate .
16 In breathless fashion , foreswearing sweet reason and most of the rules of grammar , she reviews the things which have contributed to the Manchester phenomenon .
17 Thus , in examining the more specific factors which have contributed to the aid machine 's lack of success , it is frequently the case that both donor and recipient carry a part of the responsibility .
18 The high-grade components I wanted to use were all okayed , too , and so Ampeg now have very high-grade systems which have filtered into the stuff that the other guys are designing .
19 On a broader front , even the popular movements are only now beginning to raise issues connected with gender and women 's rights despite the long-standing existence of women 's groups which have campaigned on a variety of anti-apartheid issues .
20 The proposals fall short of demands made by Scottish Natural Heritage and environment groups , which have called for a ban on tanker traffic in the Fair Isle Straits .
21 His has been the strongest and most resonant of the voices which have called for a change of priorities .
22 They were quick to spot the first ripples of concern which have surged into a tide over the past year .
23 Some countries , such as Mexico and Chile , have gone through periods of quite radical change , only to be followed by changing political conditions , which have led to a reversal of policy .
24 The data examined in this study give a consistent picture of behaviour changes among homosexual men which have led to a continuance of HIV transmission in this group in England and Wales .
25 Studies of aid projects have tended to focus on the results of such projects and have lacked detailed analysis of what preceded the projects or the political and bureaucratic factors which have led to a project being implemented or abandoned .
26 These grants have encouraged changes in hill farming which have led to a loss of semi-natural vegetation , traditional farm woodland and field boundaries , and have been offset by increases in commercial forestry , and cultivated crops and grass .
27 It is the high stakes , no doubt , allied to the frustration of failing to achieve personal ambitions , which have led to a number of outbreaks this season on the professional Tours .
28 Ironically , with its determined attempt to restructure the British economy at the expense of the working class , and by taking such a hard line on scroungers and loungers , the Conservative Government has created the very social conditions which have led to the intensification of the very crime wave it was elected to end .
29 An initial working party , made up of representatives of all sections of the industry , was established in conjunction with Industry Matters to address the issues which have led to the perception of the industry as an unattractive career option .
30 ( d ) when , before an approach is made , the target is the subject of rumour and speculation or suffers an untoward movement in its share price and there are reasonable grounds for concluding that it is the potential bidder 's actions which have led to the situation .
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