Example sentences of "[Wh det] [vb base] [pron] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The program has tools for symmetrical drawing , dimension lines with changing measurements , master objects and clones for quick-editing , animation , and ‘ connectigons ’ for maintaining links in the drawing of a complex shape ( like a spiral staircase , for example ) which allow you to edit the shape easily as a whole .
2 In addition to the stencils , there are 15 different paints , which allow you to follow the colours printed on the packaging , or create your own colour scheme .
3 In the remainder of this chapter , we shall present an outline sketch of the assumptions about the fundamental structure of grammar which form the background to our discussion of English adjectives , and which allow us to derive the kind of detailed inferences about grammaticality and interpretation exemplified above .
4 … it is a matter of distinguishing between those concepts which define the mode of production and which allow us to establish the nature of the classes and their relationships in the abstract from those concepts which allow a concrete analysis of these classes .
5 Depositors are issued with cheque books which enable them to spend the money directly without first having to go to the bank and draw the money out in cash .
6 Paul Alexandre 's archive , which has been thoroughly researched by his son Noel , is invaluable : for example , it includes group photographs which enable one to reconstruct the relationships between Modigliani and other artists of the day .
7 As an alternative , fuller and more flexible manual exposure control is provided on some machines in the form of a thumbwheel or pair of ± toggle switches which enable you to control the amount of increase or decrease in the exposure and so obtain the best possible picture .
8 They are more like shadows in the forest which enable us to see the contour of the trees to bring them together as the forces of darkness is to obliterate both the wood and the trees .
9 Speech act theory , by attempting to single out the pieces of shared knowledge which enable us to interpret the function of what is said , also assumes that we can distinguish which factors in the situation are relevant , but again it does nothing to explain how we distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant .
10 Yet for the discourse analyst it may be exactly these transient and variable features which enable us to understand the meaning of what is said , and the reason why the order of sentences proceeds in the way that it does .
11 In the previous chapter a number of important decisions were taken which enable us to establish the location of lexical elements within sentences , that is to say , to delimit them syntagmatically .
12 At the most distant property there are shearers ’ quarters which enable us to have the use of hot showers , and shelter for the barbecue if it happens to be raining .
13 Only some European countries possess remains of buildings , decoration , sculpture , pottery , burial and so on which enable us to trace the evolution of architecture during these centuries .
14 Efforts to make places more accessible have resulted in a proliferation of signposts , turnstiles , fences , car parks , souvenir shops and snack bars which do nothing to enhance the beauty of an area , but in many cases spoil its character as well as the environment .
15 Spelt out slightly more fully ( and at the risk of oversimplification ) , this means that a decision is open to review where it has been arrived at as a result of a mistaken view of the law , or where the decision is one that could not reasonably have been arrived at , in the sense that the person deciding must have taken into account irrelevant considerations , or failed to take into account relevant ones , or where he has failed to observe the dictates of natural justice which require him to give the parties a hearing before arriving at his decision .
16 Instead , blocked by pre-emption rights which require it to offer the shares first to existing shareholders , Zeneca is resorting to a curious wheeze : Warburg will buy the rights to a block of Zeneca shares in the market , in order eventually to place the equities with investors abroad .
17 The valley of the dry bones and the life-giving water of baptism are traditional Christian symbols , but Eliot remains aware of other similar more primitive traditions which lead him to invoke the Virgin in unusual terms :
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