Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [vb base] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Methods which expressly reflect the term structure of interest rates or the market value of liabilities were rejected mainly on grounds of complexity .
2 Both cultures , however , have recently spawned new restaurants in London which thankfully drag the eating-out experience from the outmoded , plastic-flexing Eighties into the less-affluent Nineties .
3 Working in conjunction with the dampers and controlled by the same computer are four air springs , which constantly adjust the ride height according to a number of external factors .
4 This one contains henna and protein which gently penetrate the hair shaft .
5 In addition to the level of SEMANTICS ( meaning ) , there are the levels of SYNTAX and PHONOLOGY , which together form the expression plane of language .
6 Being addressed to family responsibilities , this proposal should help to unify rather than divide the pressure groups which together constitute the family lobby .
7 It is usually the case that those things which best suit the Michels model are social movement organizations which have goals which can be ‘ compromised ’ because they are things — like an increase in workers ' standards of living or an improvement in working conditions — which are divisible .
8 The Council will be particularly interested in pilot proposals which further enhance the Development Programme rather than simply duplicate the work of either the 1988 pilots or central developments planned to take place during session 1988–89 .
9 He ordered the construction of the Karlovy Most ( Charles Bridge ) and began the rebuilding of the Hradčany Castle and St Vitus Cathedral which still dominate the Prague skyline .
10 In order to erode inflationary expectations , deflationary policies may be called for which temporarily raise the unemployment rate above U * ; , thereby leading by degrees to downward revisions of the expected , and hence the actual , rate of inflation .
11 A timetable will also be recommended for the phase-out of CFC substitutes , such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons , which also destroy the ozone layer , although to a lesser extent than CFCs .
12 We have argued in this section that there are a number of demographic changes in the period 1860–1980 affecting the family-formation part of the family life cycle , which also affect the life cycle as a whole .
13 In giving his provisional ‘ No ’ , Mr Patten said : ‘ Only if Hampshire County Council and the districts address the issue of distribution ( of new houses ) together , and take account of opinion at the local level , are we likely to reach solutions which both meet the housing requirement and satisfy local environmental concerns . ’
14 Apple Computer ( UK ) have also assisted in this work by providing laboratory Macintosh computers which now form the Apple Mapping Centre at Birkbeck College .
15 Relatively cheap methods of testing local ground conditions which have been researched by geomorphologists can act as useful warnings to engineers as to whether they are risking the kind of problems which now make the Trannon scheme , with hindsight , a questionable one to have undertaken in the first place .
16 It is to be hoped that the interest in these patients , which has led to an impressive research effort and also the establishment of specialized clinical services , will continue despite the major economic strictures which now face the Health Service .
17 The disadvantages of the compact are a tendency to overexpose the negative due to reflections from the ground , and the ergonomical designs of the camera bodies , which often place the firing button where it is awkward to arrange a plunger .
18 In the presence of levels of NCp7 which partially retard the gel migration of the HIV-1 plasmid DNA , a fraction of the DNA was present in the pellet .
19 it produces a brief description of the TREE command and the switches it understands , like the following , which graphically display the directory structure of a drive or path :
20 In contrast , in the presence of levels of NCp7 which completely retard the gel migration of the HIV-1 plasmid DNA ( see above ) , all of the DNA was found in the pellet .
21 It remains true , however , that the overall thrust of deaf education policy is towards making deaf people more invisible by encouraging the use of teaching practices which subtly tip the power balance between deaf and hearing people in favour of the latter .
22 Any companies which seriously breach the code face expulsion from the Direct Marketing Association , which is behind the new guidelines .
23 And , to a very large extent tri cell death can be related to the ability of staph orius to produce elicit toxins , toxins which actually leave the cell death and .
24 Other types of component which definitely merit the pack treatment are radial electrolytic capacitors , ceramic capacitors , polyester capacitors , and miniature horizontal preset resistors .
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