Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [vb past] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The upmarket London furniture store Heals , fashion chain Richard Shops and finally British Home Stores were absorbed into the group , which eventually became known as the Storehouse group .
2 Car 68 was withdrawn and replaced in the following year by a modernistic design , which eventually became known as the Bandwagon .
3 The school mentioned earlier which only allowed smoking in the staffroom was sending inconsistent signals to its pupils .
4 There are , however , several sites which apparently came to depend upon a range of processing and manufacturing activities , over and above the normal level of economic provision .
5 In spite of this attitude by some of the die-hards , more and more money was being spent on new craft and equipment and our Technical Branch , which hitherto had concentrated on the maintenance on our fleet of small boarding launches , was being geared up to deal with the new cutter fleet .
6 Britain 's most formidable political rivals , France and Russia , had imposing capital cities largely consisting of neo-classical buildings laid out in a formal manner , and the competition , with its coupled town planning and detailed design components , was a conscious attempt to provide London with visual images worthy of its far greater imperial status , which perhaps needed reaffirming after the trauma of the Crimean War .
7 Investigation of the feet of the fines ( property documents ) for the period revealed that in 1392/3 , 1398/9 and 1410/11 Andrew had indeed been involved in a series of transactions concerning an estate of some 200 acres , which obviously had belonged to the family for a long time .
8 Prior to the setting up of the CIVC , the single most effective body responsible for guarding the quality of Champagne today , a decree was passed on 28 September 1935 creating an inter-professional organisation called the Commission Spéciale de la Champagne , which soon became known as the Commission de Châlons because its meetings were held in the Prefecture ( the administrative centre ) at Châlons-sur-Marne .
9 There she was , wearing a mac , a crimplene frock over her body which just seemed to hang like a cheese from her shoulders , a little woolly hat and NHS specs , and the inevitable shopping bag .
10 But the sailors in the northern hemisphere — the part of the earth north of the Equator — realised that there was one star which always seemed to stay in the same place — the Pole Star .
11 Thus historical fiction , which once tended to concentrate on the grand thoughts and actions of grand people ( sorts of super-persons ) , now provides the means of closer contact between the present-day reader and the past .
12 He was allowed this in return for taking detention , which usually involved sitting in an empty classroom with Mafouz and the Husayn twins .
13 The bill , which still had to pass through the state Senate , was likely to be vetoed by Governor James Blanchard .
14 There were , however , some immediate gains ; one of these was the decline of belief in hell , which gradually ceased to resound in the sermons of Ministers of God other than Calvinists .
15 In 1786 the city 's administrative offices were transferred to the Palazzo del Carmagnoli — which instantly became know as the Broletto Nuovissino , the very new Broletto !
16 JC seh has a long history , almost certainly originating from a verb ( which later became reanalysed as a complementiser corresponding to " that " ) in one of the West African languages of the Kwa group .
17 After a brief period of independence in the second half of the eleventh century — an independence recognised by Pope Gregory VII in 1077 — Zeta was eclipsed by a new Serbian principality , known as Raška , situated in the wild mountainous districts of southern Serbia , which later became known as the Sandžak of Novi Pazar .
18 The bird , which Gould called the harlequin bronzewing , and which later became known as the flock pigeon , rose from the water beside him and alighted on the ground 40 yards away , just within reach of Gould 's expert aim .
19 Two veteran Piper Cubs imported into Little Snoring airfield , Norfolk , recently were N88689 and NC98648 which both arrived crated from the USA .
20 Decidedly not the one she knew had been bought only recently from Laura Ashley and which now lay abandoned on the floor beside her bed .
21 The barn served as a hanger for their Gazelle helicopter , which now stood illuminated by the floodlights on the roof , its belly reflecting the landing lights set in cement housings .
22 It is the only gadget I have ever bought which actually got pushed under the settee where it gathered dust for several years before I really came to terms with it .
23 The Russians came among the Siberian peoples in the late sixteenth century from two directions , which subsequently became established as the main regular routes .
24 It was Cuvier 's English followers who did much to open up what soon became known as the ‘ age of reptiles ’ .
25 It shows Professor Smith 's anger at Lord Young 's apparent refusal then to agree to what later became known as the £38 million sweeteners — accusing him of altering terms to ‘ British Aerospace 's disadvantage ’ and of putting forward points ‘ which neither I nor my advisers can understand ’ .
26 Corman , a young independent producer born of the post-Superior Court ruling when studios were cutting back on their own B-movie productions , did not know it at the time , nor did anyone else , but he was about to make a significant contribution to what later became known as the ‘ new Hollywood ’ through the personalities he gave work to on low budget films , either acting , writing , directing or all three .
27 Penal Policy in a Changing Society stands as the high watermark of what later became known as the treatment model .
28 An authoritative article in Pravda entitled ‘ The defence of socialism is the highest international duty ’ set out what later became known as the ‘ Brezhnev doctrine ’ : this insisted that the interests of the communist countries as a whole took priority over the wishes of any individual communist country and that no defection from the communist camp could be permitted .
29 This logic is common to many scaling procedures currently in use , and , of course , incorporates what later became known as the logic of variable analysis in reasoning from observable indicators to some theoretically defined construct .
30 Milton was remembering what Amiss had said about the adventure books in Glastonbury 's bedroom .
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