Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 True to recent form Omagh conceded a first-half goal , and late in the game two more , as the Crues won a match which rarely rose above the mediocre .
2 In February 1974 the original lessee assigned the lease to the second defendant , a company , which duly entered into the required covenant directly with the landlord .
3 The danger and the extra effort needed to shoe a colt for the first time was recognized by a custom called in some districts of East Anglia by the term First Nail which presumably referred to the violent shock the first nail would give to the colt .
4 An important phase in this was achieved in the diplomatic efforts initiated by the Red Cross Resolution of 1965 which eventually led to the 1977 Geneva Protocols , discussed in the previous section .
5 There was a continual potential for conflict between the two cultures , which eventually came to a dramatic crisis in the San Antonio area .
6 Aarau became absorbed in their empire , which eventually sprawled across a large area of Europe , imposing both its rule and culture on a curiously assorted collection of peoples and languages .
7 They built a house , the Villa Eugénie , which eventually grew into the present Hôtel du Palais , a vast building close to the lush sands of the Grande Plage ( formerly known as the Plage tea Fous , because only the reckless , if not the insane , were thought likely to risk swimming there ) , very monumental and with a tricolour flying above it , as if it were some government department rather than merely a hotel .
8 One of the images showed the trail of a particle more massive than an electron which suddenly turned through a sharp angle making an L-shape , and whose thickness and character changed at the kink .
9 The compartment gave only an oblique view of the altar , which perhaps accounted for the distinct murmur of conversation behind the grille .
10 And then came the bier , its front draped with a shawl to indicate that it carried a woman , which perhaps accounted for the general meagreness of the proceedings .
11 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
12 ‘ But we were all so stupidly purist then , which obviously changed over the next couple of years , with Peter writing material like Man Of The World and Albatross .
13 First established as a concept by the Catalan artist in 1984 when he announced that he would be donating 300 paintings and 3000 graphic works to the city of Barcelona , the Fundació was the subject of protracted negotiations with the local autonomous government and the Ministry of Culture in Madrid , which finally resulted in a handsome level of funding for building in which to house them .
14 In front of the church at the west end was built a portico or narthex which generally extended across the whole width of the façade .
15 She could not have brought herself to do as some did , step in and squash her body against the bodies of those who formed the dense wad of people which already bulged from the open doors .
16 Many of these were connected ultimately with traditions of pastoral care which already existed in the Early Church .
17 It was silent with regard to Soviet Moldavia ( which largely consisted of the former Romanian provinces of Bessarabia and North Bukovina annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 ) , but stipulated respect for existing borders [ see also p. 38306 ] .
18 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
19 The fertile biochemistry of forests constantly racked and renewed by volcanic eruption — which once prevailed throughout the cooling surface of the globe — still continues in Indonesia , and amongst her trembling islands we find time-capsules of our earliest beginnings , when dragons stalked the earth .
20 Established in 1793 by the Alien Act of that year , the Alien Office was a branch of the Home Office which ostensibly acted as the administrative centre for the regulation of the conduct of foreigners resident in Britain .
21 Pat Watters , chairman of the personnel services committee which yesterday agreed to the early retirements , said that the council can base the payments on the salary Mr McNeill would have received from 1 April .
22 Tranmere were restricted to the occasional breakaway which usually ended with an offside decision and Nixon came to their rescue again when he swooped to his right to hold Wright 's shot .
23 Leonard had even met him briefly in 1949 , but this meeting at McGill was the one which quickly developed into a strong and mutual respect , a lifelong friendship .
24 By 1937 this was helping to bring into the orbit of Left politics an increasing number of younger , better educated middle-class activists , who found themselves confronting a leadership which still belonged to the 1920s intellectually and was socially based on the older industrial areas and occupations .
25 In each of these cases , therefore , the innocent purchaser acquired no title to the car which still belonged to the original owner .
26 The Conservatives ' desperation to devise a counter-programme for the land , and the disagreements it provoked , demonstrate the degree of confusion which still existed in the Conservative ranks and the immense problems they still faced before the ‘ rampant omnibus ’ of the Great War rescued them by running down their opponents .
27 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
28 Despite his good intentions , and despite the more rational management principles and institutions introduced by Speranskii , the actual administration of Siberia , the manner of its economic exploitation , the low levels of popular enlightenment , the permanently suppurating sore of the exile system , the treatment of the native population — which still ranged from the paternalistic to the spasmodically genocidal — and the survival of traditional ‘ imperialist ’ attitudes in St Petersburg , meant that in practice the old core-periphery , metropolis-frontier relationships still remained in force , and Siberia continued to be treated and governed in a manner which reflected its original quasi-colonial status .
29 One of the features which noticeably emerged in the 1980s was a struggle for control of the past , a confrontation primarily between those who perceive contemporary western civilisation as a triumph and those who question such a perspective .
30 His tongue tasted her , exploring with delicate strokes which gradually deepened into a passionate demand that blew her mind and exploded all her misconceptions of what a kiss could be .
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