Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] would [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are restricted somewhat by time , because I want to get everybody back in the main auditorium to listen to what I know is going to be a fantastic lecture by Professor Don , er from Baltimore , which I would certainly recommend that everybody go and see .
2 Woods has outlined some of the constraints that appear to induce survival-based patterns of teaching in the secondary school system — the raising of the school-leaving age ( to which we would now add growing youth unemployment ) , which encourages staying-on among those not otherwise especially enamoured of their school experience ; the persistence and extension of 16+ examinations against which teachers ' own success will be judged ( more of this later ) ; continuing high levels of class size and teacher-pupil ratios that make individualized treatment and small-group work difficult ; and declining levels of resources , which make experimentation and adjustment of learning tasks to individual needs problematic and leave teachers in the position of having to rely on their own personal resources for managing the class .
3 I think too that we should reflect upon who it is that receives the blame er when policing falls below the standards which we would all think appropriate .
4 Eliot observed how he would take a word ‘ and squeeze and squeeze it until it yielded a full juice of meaning which we would never suppose any word to possess ’ .
5 If anthropologists from centres of learning in New Guinea or the Congo were to turn the tables on us and publish studies of the behaviour patterns found among the English-speaking peoples of Great Britain and the United States , one phenomenon to which they would surely pay special attention would be the cult of Child Psychology .
6 In this prologue we discuss some of the questions which few beginners seem to have the courage to ask and yet to which they would surely like some kind of answer .
7 The Knack also provided Crawford with the opportunity to do the sort of daredevil stunts for which he would later become famous .
8 He seems to fear a compromise with the king , which will require his return under conditions which he would now find unacceptable .
9 Walter Heape , a reader in zoology and an anti-suffragist , writing at the end of the century , exulted in a description of menstruation which wallowed in gore , a picture of devastation , rupture , torn membranes , ‘ from which it would hardly seem possible to heal satisfactorily without the aid of surgical treatment ’ …
10 Early workers concentrated on destroying the immature aquatic stages in their breeding places using what we would now call environmental management .
11 In these early days Highlander worked with people in what we would now term industrial relations and workers ' education .
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