Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] is [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ 1(2) In determining whether a person is a fit and proper person to hold any particular position , regard shall be had to his probity , to his competence and soundness of judgement for fulfilling the responsibilities of that position , to the diligence with which he is fulfilling or likely to fulfil those responsibilities and to whether the interests of depositors or potential depositors of the institution are , or are likely to be , in any way threatened by his holding that position .
2 Nestor gets jealous of his other self and stages a killing of his rival , for which he is arrested and convicted .
3 However section 19 permits the constable to seize anything on the premises if he has reasonable grounds for believing either that it has been obtained in consequence of the commission of an offence or that it is evidence in relation to an offence which he is investigating or any other offence .
4 One form which it is believed that this move takes is to new types of collaboration between commercial enterprise and public sector science .
5 More and more sprays and chemicals have been used on the food we eat and the land on which it is grown and ingenious methods of preserving the appearance of freshness have been devised .
6 The use of the test as a prelude to intervention will depend very much on the extent to which it is regarded as important to direct remediation at the specific linguistic functions which this test addresses .
7 For there is not much time left to pull the economy out of the slump into which it is hurtling and further delay will be fatal .
8 By embracing the evidence from the ‘ effectiveness of schools ’ research and adopting a whole-school approach to special educational needs , we can create a truly comprehensive service of education in which it is accepted that ALL teachers have responsibility to meet the needs of ALL children .
9 Under proposed University legislation , new graduates will automatically become members of the Graduates Association on receipt of their degrees , after which it is hoped that many will endeavour to create and foster the right conditions to make it attractive for graduates to want to belong and help make their membership worthwhile and rewarding .
10 Managing director Albero Sandoval places the potential market at 100,000 users , predicting that this will rise to 600,000 subscribers over the next 10 years , of which it is hoped that some 300,000 will use Sistelcom 's system .
11 We need to build an atmosphere which reverses the dominant value systems of those staffrooms in which it is seen as silly to be open , to want to have real conversations about education , and mature to be flip and dismissive .
12 First , the aim in which it is designed and manufactured ; second , the retail chain that distributes it ; and third , the households in which it is finally used .
13 There are a large number of situations in which it is expected that professional judgement will have a considerable influence upon the implementation process .
14 This diversity and richness reflects the diversity of uses to which it is envisaged that electronic texts conforming to these Guidelines will be put .
15 We know that the volume of financial intermediation in an economy could have an effect upon aggregate demand by changing the quantity of money in circulation or the ‘ velocity ’ with which it is used or both .
16 In the last resort all that a test can give is a relation between two or more quantities such as load , displacement , time and temperature from which it is inferred that this is the general relation connecting these quantities throughout the body , for the assumption of such a general relation is at the basis of elasticity theory and continuum mechanics .
17 In a sense this is what it is to become and experienced teacher rather than a novice .
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