Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [det] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reason why so many of us are here is the immense regard which we all have for the hon. and learned Member , our friend , for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) .
2 Alright , now we come to the erm , first resolution , erm , but before I invite Alan Morgan , to er , er , er , propose this resolution let me just say , it will of course be the last occasion , I 've never seen such a remarkable er , demonstration of the interest which we all have in the future of Alan .
3 They saw his bow , and his claymore — which they both spell with a ‘ g ’ , a mispronunciation if the word derives from cliamh mor , the ‘ big sword ’ .
4 This book probably presents what we all expect from the future : that anything can happen , between cosmology and religion .
5 We 've done a profile of the courses and guess what they all happen in the school holidays , so this is n't , this is n't over yet in fact for all the user groups , for you , the clubs and the organizations , it really does need a push from you , you must by and large are the deci decision makers , the club officers and I would ask you urgently whether or whether or not your clubs already got its name on the list , to actually support the people within your club that are laying these things on .
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