Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , sticking to those sectors that we know and understand and which we chose for the nineties because we believe they had good growth prospects .
2 Concepts are formed from numerous percepts of similar things , and are the way by which we deal with the millions of percepts we form daily .
3 Did that , he was asked in the House of Commons , mean that he had been out of sympathy with the policies of the Government in which he served in the '80s ?
4 But the political solutions which he advocated in the 1930s were not so .
5 Everything else might be changed by the demands of story and of ratiocination — there are clear differences , for instance , between the accounts of that scene in the 1925 poem ‘ Light as Leaf on Lindentree ’ and in Aragorn 's song on Weathertop — but to the vision itself he remained true , working out from it as from the detailed paintings of Lake Mithrim , Nargothrond , Gondolin , etc. , which he made in the 1920s ( see Pictures 32–6 ) .
6 I sent him our Christmas poem , ‘ Adoration of the Shepherds and the Kings ’ ( Puerta del Perdón , Salamanca ) , which he printed in the 19 December issue , his 1957 Christmas number :
7 Disappearing into a back room , he emerged carrying a gold watch and chain which he handed to the two policemen .
8 Indeed overall , he says surprisingly little about Grace and next to nothing about the sacramental life ; for these reasons one might regret the title which he gave to the three books gathered into one — Mere Christianity — for it implies that he has written a sort of mini-Summa or encyclopaedia of theology .
9 Later in the nineteenth century the Lodge became the rectory for St Mary 's Church of Easton Neston , which it remained until the 1880s .
10 The Editor , Rev Obed Ochwanyi , said the newsletter is designed to ‘ sustain Christians ’ while the NCCK finalises its plans to launch a national church newspaper , similar to Target which it co-published in the seventies and eighties with the Christian Council of Tanzania .
11 What I like about the three guys is that they actually care about that .
12 ‘ My experience at The Dorchester and what I know from the Four Seasons Inn on the Park ( Four Seasons recently acquired the Regent Group ) , shows me that there is a market which appreciates the best service and is prepared to pay £200 a night and more for it . ’
13 But remember I 'm a writer , and there 's a lot of difference between what I did in the '70s and what so many of them did . ’
14 ‘ But I read what you wrote about the 30 million people dying in Africa .
15 Let us look at what we know about the two halves of the human brain :
16 That was what we targeted during the four days prior to the Cardiff match .
17 That is what they said in the 1930s .
18 The players who have strolled through our consciousness these past 10 years are mostly with us yet , but whatever they do in the Nineties will not resound in the way that their achievements of the Eighties did .
19 In his specially-commissioned report , Dr Lyons pinpointed what he saw as the four factors leading to his suicide .
20 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
21 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
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