Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun pl] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , while agreeing with Bolinger in almost every instance on his raw data , as to which adjectives are limited to prenominal position and which are ambiguous , we disagree with him in almost all cases as to the underlying reasons .
2 In a similar way , the idea of plurality can not be defined in terms of the conditions under which objects are differentiated from each other .
3 At the federal level the highest organ of state authority is the bicameral Federal Assembly , comprising the Chamber of the People ( 101 seats for the Czech Lands and 49 seats for Slovakia ) , and the Chamber of Nations ( 75 seats for each republic ) , to which deputies are elected by universal adult suffrage .
4 An understandable desire on the part of model proprietors to produce forecasts and assess their accuracy as quickly as possible leads to a situation in which relationships are estimated on one vintage of data but assessed on another .
5 As its name implies , this is a market in which funds are lent to local authorities .
6 Chemical analysis has indicated which compounds are associated with different hop flavours .
7 However , dictionaries and semantic memories have different purposes , and this fact is reflected in the way in which words are interconnected in each .
8 Here , I want to discuss the principles on which variables are selected for quantitative analysis .
9 Before Morris introduced this type of maze , it had become common practice to study spatial learning in a more conventional version of the same task , in which rats are placed in various forms of radial mazes with four , six or eight arms , and must learn to run to a goal box containing food or water at the end of one of the arms .
10 Rather , it refers to the processes , categories and know ledges through which communities are defined as such : that is , how they are rendered specific and differentiated .
11 And this also makes possible the minor type of conceptual relativism in which texts are construed in different ways .
12 We suggest through this chapter that the use of such concepts is essential for understanding the social processes through which classes are reproduced as social groups .
13 This depressing but widely held view of life in old age is the foundation upon which judgements are made about individual worth .
14 Fraenkel [ 1980 ] has investigated the semi-automatic construction of ’ semantic concordances ’ , in which homographs are distributed into disjoint classes with one semantic value per class .
15 The researcher will be looking for indications of the salience of topics , the extent to which questions are understood by different classes of respondents , the likely range of replies to given questions , and so on .
16 It envisaged the development of other commercial ranches ( albeit government-owned ) ; the provision of credit to a selection of pastoral cattle keepers ( for water supplies , improved grazing and other facilities ) ; a great improvement in the system by which cattle were transported from grazing areas to abattoirs ; and the re-equipment and expansion of the existing export meat-packing plant .
17 Obviously the way in which powers are used by different agencies , such as the Inland Revenue , DSS or the police , depend largely to the support they feel they will receive from the media , the Government and the public .
18 Which prints were issued in large quantities ?
19 For example , given the heterogeneous nature of cereal production in the UK , a uniform response is not expected but rather a range of opinion amongst producers , largely dependent on the degree to which producers are committed to intensive cereal production .
20 Buddhists for example would probably speak of it as progress towards a state of enlightenment in which persons are liberated from all false forms and images .
21 There are competing views which see family income as the key determinant of access to the top universities from which elites are recruited into large companies or the bureaucracy .
22 The ease with which patients are managed in these settings contrasts with the chaos that commonly ensues when a single anorexia nervosa patient is treated on a general psychiatric or medical ward , where she is either afforded special status or rejected because her illness is seen as self-inflicted .
23 The clubs have their own singles , doubles and knockout competitions after which tournaments are held at regional , national and international level .
24 This situation is different from the condition in which the present studies were performed and in which pressures were recorded over long periods , with the patient not being asked to take swallows .
25 The extent to which the landscape was being farmed and the efficiency of agricultural practices may be measured by the frequency with which farms were abandoned for new sites .
26 Up to about twenty years ago , it was thought that protons and neutrons were " elementary " particles , but experiments in which protons were collided with other protons or electrons at high speeds indicated that they were in fact made up of smaller particles .
27 The C-terminal cytosolic portion of the human histamine H 2 receptor exhibits several sites at which serines are flanked by basic residues and could therefore be a substrate for protein kinase C. It has also bee suggested that protein kinase C uncouples a receptor for glucagon-29 from Gs by phosphorylating the receptor .
28 The central task of the FMI was to alter the way in which decisions are made about public expenditure , particularly through the creation of line management responsibility .
29 It will examine the main determinants of international production and foreign direct investment and how these have changed over the last 50 years ; the way in which decisions are taken within multi-national enterprises ; the changing forms of international involvement , and the impact of the activities of MNEs on the home and host economies in which they operate .
30 Companies have other attractions besides the limitation of members ' liability , most of which flow from the separate legal personality with which corporations are endowed under English law .
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