Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [to-vb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the notice could be altered to indicate that the path leads only as far as the river .
2 Agree that the Solicitors ' Remuneration Order 1972 be amended to provide that the Society may require up to 50% of a client 's profit costs all disbursements and VAT to be paid during the process of application for a Remuneration Certificate , in accordance with guidelines to be issued by the Adjudication and Appeals Committee after consultation with the Lord Chancellor .
3 FANS of Fatal Attraction will be fascinated to know that the director 's cut containing a totally different ending is now available ( CIC , £12.99 ) .
4 At the same time , realistic encouragement should be given to ensure that the patient remains hopeful about his eventual outcome .
5 The crop will be examined to ensure that the potatoes have not been altered in any way other than in their new ability to manufacture the lectin protein .
6 The pull-out torque/speed characteristic would also be consulted to ensure that the system is not susceptible to mechanical resonances at the working speed .
7 When a claim for theft of personal effects or special equipment is presented on the Yacht and Motor Boat Policy the proposal should be checked to ensure that the items claimed have been specifically insured .
8 The target 's memorandum and articles should therefore be checked to ensure that the target has the necessary powers to implement the scheme .
9 They should be taught to recognise that the attitudes and behaviour of a character or narrator are not necessarily to be identified with the attitudes or beliefs of the author .
10 the administration of the legal aid system should be reorganised to ensure that the systems were simple , that there were clear lines of responsibility and that one organisation had clear overall responsibility for the operation of legal aid and advice .
11 An internal system of control of a business should be designed to ensure that the policies of the management are being followed , that financial records are accurate , that the assets of the company have been safeguarded and that the opportunities for fraud are kept to a minimum .
12 ( vi ) The appearance against a person 's name of an indication that he or she is qualified in a jurisdiction other than England and Wales , or the title licensed conveyancer , or registered foreign lawyer , or the title of any other profession , will be deemed to indicate that the person is not a solicitor holding a current practising certificate , unless a contrary indication appears .
13 Regular stock checks should be made to see that the balance of stock in the bin agrees with both the balance on the bin card and the balance on the stock record card .
14 And this implies that efforts should be made to see that the risks are brought to as low a level as reasonably practicable ’ .
15 Where a claim is submitted stating ‘ paint spilt on carpet ’ investigations should be made to establish that the room was actually being redecorated at that time .
16 If the user is responsible for the DC , a check will be made to ensure that the DC is in the ACTIVE state .
17 It is to be hoped that in the light of the Cleveland Report 's comment that ‘ the child is a person and not an object of concern ’ ( Secretary of State for Social Services , 1988 , p.245 ) that urgent efforts will be made to ensure that the child 's views and perceptions of practice are articulated via sensitively designed research .
18 Attempts were to be made to ensure that the cities would continue to do well out of the rate-support grant .
19 Every effort will be made to ensure that the information held is accurate and up-to-date and it is in your own interest to tell the Personnel Department if your personal circumstances change ; for example , if you get married or move house .
20 ‘ Site preparation , hardware and software testing have to be carried out by the relevant specialists and plans have to be made to ensure that the upgrade will cause no interruption to the service provided to our customers . ’
21 Once meals are being delivered regularly , the WRVS helper will be very concerned if she can not get an answer when she calls and every effort will be made to ensure that the recipient is safe .
22 Preventive efforts can , however , be made to ensure that the mother is aware of the problems of certain courses of action ; that high standards of care are in operation throughout the process ; that the necessary steps are taken to combat the incidence of infection and disease which may affect a healthy foetus , and that nutritional standards are sufficiently high .
23 In such works , 3/2 on its own frequently follows a passage in , which might be seen to imply that the change to 3/2 was indicating a sesquialtera relationship .
24 It should be clear from this article that a more multicultural approach would improve the quality of mathematics education , and that there is much that can be done to ensure that the mathematics we teach prepares children for our multicultural society .
25 The quality of even the latest software is not above reproach and much remains to be done to ensure that the computer is the servant rather than the master of its users .
26 If it is accepted that representative or indirect democracy is at best an inadequate substitute for personal participation , and that everything possible should be done to ensure that the views and wishes of the people are represented as accurately as possible within such a system , it must surely follow that representation should be in proportion to the weight of opinion in the society itself .
27 What can be done to ensure that the staff development needs of health education co-ordinators are met ?
28 This is an area where extensive work needs to be done to ensure that the consumer is not misled because of the plethora of terms that are applied .
29 I agree with the hon. Gentleman that every conceivable thing that can be done should be done to ensure that the applicant — the hon. Gentleman was right to say that he may be old and slightly confused — is assisted in filling out the forms .
30 The claim that none of our beliefs about the future are ever justified is more important and more interesting than the claim that although our belief that the sun will rise tomorrow is quite probably both true and justified , we can not really be said to know that the sun will rise tomorrow .
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