Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The increased likelihood of referral occurred among both male and female patients in the two groups of practices , although female patients between the ages of 5–24 and 45–74 in fundholding practices were slightly less likely to be referred in the second phase of the study than in the first ( table IV ) .
2 The Council of Licensed Conveyancers and the Institute are likely to go for approval at an early date ; it is unlikely , however , that any approvals will be given before the second half of 1993 .
3 A further 60 seats would be filled by a second vote in which electors would express their preference for political parties rather than individual candidates , with the seats being distributed in accordance with the proportion of the vote achieved by each party .
4 He never supposed a bus might recur in his life , to be travelled in a second time , with a recognisable darn in its upholstery .
5 Although a statement of intent has been signed , confirmation is needed from the boards of both companies and the acquisition is expected to be completed by the second quarter of this year .
6 You may be recalled for a second interview or apply to the same place some time in the future .
7 Can you say why the intervention must be stopped for the second baseline ?
8 We shall treat them as a special type of word and give them the following rule : when a pair of prefix-plus-stem words exists , both members of which are spelt identically , one of which is a verb and the other is either a noun or an adjective , the stress will be placed on the second syllable of the verb but on the first syllable of the noun or adjective .
9 The facilitated interview may be appropriate in certain circumstances but should be treated as a second stage .
10 Er and I think we would all er acknowledge er the the precise difficulties of that wording and perhaps a , an amendment may need to be considered on the second line following the list of districts .
11 This software enabled the first of a number of useful commercial applications of AI to be constructed ; many of these can be considered as the second generation of expert systems .
12 Additional handles can be added to the second frame simply by clicking on it with the mouse and these are then dragged to re-shape the boundary .
13 Support for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT is to be added by the second quarter of next year .
14 Support for Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT will be added by the second quarter of next year .
15 In January 1984 , the Chairman of the ESRC visited Belfast and announced that a further £480,000 was to be committed for a second phase of the programme .
16 Cray Research Inc reports that the Space Data and Computing Division of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has ordered a Cray C98 system : C98s start at around $12m and the new one will be installed in the second half of this year and will be used for Earth and space sciences research , the firm said .
17 Mr Clarke said last night that the pay of five million workers , ranging from teachers to nurses and civil servants , would be curbed for the second year in a row .
18 As security it was agreed that Mr. O'Brien would guarantee the payment by the company of its indebtedness and that his liability under the guarantee would be secured by a second charge over the house which was believed to have an equity of about £100,000 .
19 Like so many of the films that were to be made during the Second World War , The Four Just Men does n't only draw attention to the nature of the enemy ; it also presents an evocative picture of just what it is that is under threat — ‘ all the roads and rivers , fields add woods and hills that make up this funny old island . ’
20 The Nile Delta permit will be relinquished in the second half of 1992 .
21 AV 4300s can be upgraded with a second CPU for £5,400 , doubling the power from 29 to 58 MIPS for less than half the cost of the original machine , according to DG .
22 The Hermitage 's marble version of ‘ Orpheus ’ can be compared with the stone version in Venice and the ‘ Venus ’ from Palazzo Pitti in Florence can be seen with the second version from Munich .
23 Erm , I seem to remember that when we met earlier in the year and you were looking forward to , to , to this year as a whole , I think you er , indicated that it was going to be a good year and I think you also suggested , if I remember right , that you thought the better part of that improvement would be seen in the second half rather than the first .
24 ( As will be seen in the second part of the book , the same changes opened up new jobs for working and lower middle class girls as shop assistants and teachers . )
25 This more sculptural approach can be seen in the second kind of Negroid painting .
26 The permanent collection will be exhibited on the second floor of the Museum and its opening will come during the year when Madrid has been selected as the Cultural Capital of Europe .
27 Other neurons conduct impulses from the spinal cord to muscles and cause them to contract ; so the pain relayed by the first neurons might cause a limb to be moved by the second set of neurons .
28 If a patent were to be granted to the second business , it could prevent the first from using what it has already been using for some time .
29 The yarn to be woven should be threaded through the second side of the yarn mast .
30 It is at this stage , with a primary definition of ‘ goodness ’ established , that the relationship between ‘ goodness ’ and the concept of the Created God can now be considered , so that the full contribution to the definition of that God which can be attributed to the Second Period , can be evaluated .
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