Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] at any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I hear a man being witty or sensible or kindly or civilized I think : the qualities which now seem so much a part of this man could be stripped away at any time , and there would be left just a man who suffered and who fought with his suffering like an animal .
2 A fill can be dropped in at any time while the pattern is playing .
3 A fill can be dropped in at any time while the pattern is playing .
4 They operate in basically the same way , but VITC coding has to be recorded onto the tape ( of course without being visible in the picture ) , at the time of shooting or while being copied onto a second tape ; RCTC coding on the other hand can be carried out at any stage of the editing process , and so is the more flexible of the two systems .
5 With the insertion of implants it could be carried out at any age , but the sensible option would be prophylactic mastectomy either at the completion of her family or at the menopause . ’
6 It can be carried out at any time when you feel the need , for example , when you are near anybody with a cold or ‘ flu ; when you are experiencing any form of fear ; when others are indulging in negative emotions ; in noisy surroundings ; first thing in the morning and last thing at night ; after meditating or giving intuitive aromatherapy massage .
7 It defines the project timescales and priority to enable individual workloads within the group to be planned through DOPACS , and it also important n needed-by dates , the milestones , within the project , which again through DOPACS enables checks on the physical and financial progress to be carried out at any time .
8 Some pests are large enough to be gathered and destroyed by hand : caterpillars can be picked off at any time , while slugs and snails around vulnerable plants are easily collected by torchlight on moist evenings .
9 These are automatically silenced at night and may be silenced manually at any time by operating levers which are neatly and unobtrusively located on the hand-crafted dial .
10 The problem with price limits , of course , is that futures contracts are rendered completely illiquid : a position can not be closed out at any price when trading is suspended .
11 ( To reduce the risk of over-speeding with modern machines , the airbrakes can be opened fully at any time during the spin or the recovery . )
12 The system allows information to be ‘ filed ’ on floppy discs so that stored information can be called up at any time on the computer 's visual display unit .
13 I could be called in at any moment .
14 And when you do finally get to bed , you ca n't lock yourself in and you may be woken up at any time of the night on any pretext .
15 The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise .
16 Any information the client is interested in can be printed off at any stage during the search .
17 Other possible configurations , which will not , however , be discussed here at any length , are doublets ( exemplified by pairs of opposites — see chapters 9 , 10 and 11 ) , and clusters , which are groupings of lexical items characterised by a lack of structure ( some groups of synonyms appear to be of this nature — see chapter 12 ) .
18 Many of the plants can be put in at any time of year , except for the dahlias .
19 The challenge is to play either game against the timer , which can be switched off at any time if the child wants to check a word or letter
20 SSRs may be sent out at any time ( not only as a reply to an SPR ) providing information to the users of software about its current status .
21 In addition , SSRs may be sent out at any time to inform users of the current status of software .
22 In addition , SSRs may be sent out at any time to inform users of the current status of software .
23 Donations to the ‘ Around the Isles ’ charity fund for multiple sclerosis may be paid in at any branch of the Halifax Building Society and Bank of Scotland .
24 Container-grown roses can be planted out at any time .
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