Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Shiseido has increased the proportion of the moisturising ingredient hyaluronic acid in the Matte Red Lipstick to give a velvety texture , and the three-sided Black Variations Shadow Liner is as soft as charcoal so that it can be blended all over the eyelid or gently smudged as a liner .
2 The problem of computer-related crime will be highlighted today in the Law Commission 's report on Computer Misuse .
3 Now the pathology is by a chief information and i in fact , the chief information could be provoked merely by the presence of organisms .
4 It is intolerable that Labour MPs who are also accountable to all the voters in their town should be turfed out by the block vote .
5 In favourable cases the latter may each be recognized embryologically by the presence of ( i ) a pair of hollow mesodermal somites , ( ii ) paired neuromeres ( embryonic ganglia ) , and ( iii ) paired appendages .
6 No fast should be undertaken against an opponent ; it should be undertaken rather for the good of those near and dear to the person who fasts .
7 Clearly , such a drastic change in the law could be undertaken only by the legislature .
8 ‘ The achievements will be rent asunder by the Government 's ill-informed proposals , ’ said Councillor Keith Geddes .
9 This facility can be started/stopped only by the LIFESPAN Manager .
10 This could be explained away by the inadequacy of the diagnosis but that would not restore belief in a fixed relation between pain and damage since we are faced with very large numbers of patients with overt chronic damage and little or no pain .
11 This will be explained later in the story .
12 This growth of manufacturing employment can be explained partly by the quality of rural environment and partly by the changing structure of manufacturing .
13 Or again , can the bias against left-handedness be explained apart from the fact that most people are right-handed ?
14 The trace-element fractionations can not , however , be explained simply as the product of small degrees of partial melting in areas of thicker lithosphere .
15 This correlation , however , can be explained simply by the presence of absence of H pylori in their patient group and does not provide evidence of a causal association between H pylori ammonia production and gastritis .
16 For example , the concentration of crime in the lower social class , which was the starting point for all the main sociological theories , could be explained simply by the fact that members of the lower social class were more likely to be selected for labelling .
17 This phenomenon could be explained simply by the fact that the stiffness of A-tracts and not just curvature influences the electrophoretic behaviour as was previously suggested ( 8,9 ) .
18 The comparative absence of protest in the fifteenth century may be explained simply by the fact that depopulation was less of a social problem , and that if a lord evicted tenants , they still had a reasonable prospect of finding land elsewhere .
19 But whereas such poems are rare in earlier periods , in twelfth-century Europe they multiply so explosively that the phenomenon can not be explained merely as the reflection of a greater number of extant manuscripts .
20 In his Beverly Hills suit and hand-painted 1950s tie , Kaufman looked like a divorce lawyer in ‘ LA Law ’ ; his presence at the Tory Party 's autumn festival could be explained only by the need to earn a crust ; he had been invited by the BBC , no doubt , to comment on the proceedings .
21 We have thus established that PHB mobility in vivo can be explained solely on the basis of the intrinsic material properties of the polymer .
22 The reason for this can be traced historically to the fact that research on creativity in academic psychology has formed a quite separate strand of enquiry from that originating in the early pathographic analyses carried out by medical writers .
23 And on the ridge of this endless mountain chain runs this strange chasm , for the most part almost 7,000 feet deep , which can be traced right along the backbone .
24 In the penny oracles of the press , however , there were bolder accusations as when The Daily Graphic ( 16 November 1900 ) confidently asserted that ‘ the pistol is the ideal weapon of the Hooligan … his love for it can be traced directly to the influence of the ‘ penny dreadfuls ' ’ ’ .
25 The next portion ( 11–14 ) can be traced directly to the lecture " Socrates and Tragedy " ( February 1870 ) , but the rest of the book ( 15–25 ) is a less tidy amalgam .
26 These conflicts , he contended , although highlighted in the differences between the Western Marxism of Lukács and the orthodoxy of Marxist-Leninism , could be traced back to the work of Marx himself .
27 The germ of this idea can be traced back to the sophist Antiphon ( c.480–411 BC ) , one of whose fragments contains the earliest Greek definition of time .
28 Nevertheless , a generalization is only acceptable to the reader when it can be traced back to the evidence collected .
29 Trade between Leith and Hull can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th Century when the Hull and Leith Shipping Company was formed .
30 Although first language acquisition is strictly related to the development of social identity , Watts ' conclusions that a certain set of perceptions is characteristic of Swiss-German readers ( p. 37 ) and that it " may be traced back to the kind of socialization into literacy " ( p. 39 ) are debatable mainly because the presented responses seem to be applicable to various categories of readers .
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