Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] a new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Search for a peptide was rewarded by the discovery of a compound containing five amino acids , which combined powerfully with the opiate receptor and had all the necessary properties for it to be recognized as a new transmitter substance .
2 Such questions as these receive quite disparate answers , ranging from claims that all these legal practices can be explained by a new principle , such as the protection of reliance , through to denials that anything significant has happened .
3 GYSIN 's own voice can be heard on a new release , Self-Portrait Jumping , which is backed up by tracks recorded in the Eighties by numerous African and French musicians , with special appearances by jazzers Don Cherry and Steve Lacy .
4 By the late 1980s regular trainloads were being dispatched from purpose-built transfer terminals in Greater London , Manchester and Avon , and these would soon be joined by a new flow from Edinburgh .
5 The plant is producing the top-of-the range Rover eight hundred , but later this year the production lines will be joined by a new Rover car , codenamed the SYNCHRO .
6 The slate roof was treated similarly , although the need to install central heating meant that the roof ridge at the junction of the main block with the nineteenth-century extension had to be punctuated by a new chimney .
7 Thus the experimental group may be exposed to a new type of physics course , whereas the control group follows the traditional course ; in every other respect the two groups are exactly comparable .
8 To study how bilateral trade could be placed on a new footing , a task force , headed by the Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade , Ricardo Cabrisas , and the Soviet Minister for External Economic Relations , Konstantin Katushev , was created .
9 The panel accepted the social work argument that if there was a high degree of Social Work input to the family home , and that if Jim could be placed in a new school for his remaining few months of statutory attendance , then this might be the most suitable response .
10 The faction of 54 members of the original JD would be treated as a new party in the organizational sense .
11 The purchaser will also normally be treated as a new applicant for listing , its securities will be suspended and it will be required to publish listing particulars .
12 However , the company 's listing will be suspended until after shareholders ' approval has been obtained and the company will , subject to certain exceptions , be treated as a new applicant for listing .
13 However , where a listed company makes a reverse takeover offer for an unlisted company it is required to obtain its shareholders ' approval , its listing will be suspended and , subject to one exemption , it will be treated as a new applicant for listing ( for a description of the relevant Yellow Book rules see para 17.2.7 below ) .
14 Four times as many children with cancer will now be treated at a new centre , which will also help with vital research .
15 Companies faced with massive investment in new pollution control equipment , if a plant is to be located in a new location , may well find it cheaper and simpler to expand pollution at existing facilities , thereby adding to industrial inertia ( Elsom , 1983 ) .
16 In addition , ED 65 proposes that comprehensive income and the change in financial wealth for the period should be disclosed in a new statement known as the Statement of Changes in Financial Wealth ( SCFW ) .
17 SCOTCH whisky and other spirits producers may be caught by a new Commission proposal to force them to reveal the ingredients of alcoholic drinks on bottles .
18 A joint life charge will calculated as the sum of the individual charges , we looked at that earlier , the maximum age at which waiver of premium can be added to a new policy is fifty five , next birthday .
19 The write-back cache may also be added on a new version of the 80486 .
20 Action : 100 approved modules is the maximum which can be included in a new baseline in one attempt .
21 They are likely to be included in a new employment Bill , alongside measures to make all secondary action unlawful and abolish the pre-entry closed shop .
22 SEX pests who send pornographic messages to computer terminals used by female work colleagues are to be targeted in a new union crackdown .
23 The researchers offer several possible explanations for toads making the occasional move : conditions in the initial pond may deteriorate ; a male may be carried to a new pond by a female with whom he has paired before reaching the water ; or perhaps a toad encounters a new pond on the way to its old one .
24 Northern Telecom Ltd 's DPN-100 broadband data network system is to be installed for a new system created by Telefonica de Espana SA called the Advanced Business Services Network , in an order worth $23m .
25 The same could be claimed for a new memorial at Smoogro , Orkney , in honour of Squadron Commander Edwin Dunning , DSC .
26 Until the general election result is known no definite commitment can be made to a new form of local tax due to be introduced in 1993 .
27 They were never united in their opposition to the king , and they never found a leader comparable to Hereford and Norfolk in 1297 or Thomas of Lancaster in 1310–11 ; but their opposition reveals the fragility of the political settlement Edward had achieved after 1330 , and the danger that his close associates who had helped him to power might now be seen as a new court clique , the king 's familiares .
28 However , it can not be seen as a new problem area .
29 The episode should , in other words , be seen as a new departure rather than one more stage in a faction struggle initiated by the Woodvilles , and this places responsibility firmly on Gloucester 's shoulders .
30 The episode should , in other words , be seen as a new departure rather than one more stage in a faction struggle initiated by the Woodvilles , and this places responsibility firmly on Gloucester 's shoulders .
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