Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For more on how these roles can be blended into a successful group , see Groups on page 77 and Teams on page 161 .
2 In addition , involvement of major neurovascular structures and bone can also be diagnosed with a high degree of accuracy .
3 The principal arguments for a policy of CPD were advanced in the Brett-Jones Report of 1978 and although none could be refuted in a responsible way , it was not until 1 January 1981 that Regulations were made by the General Council of the RICS to make compulsory , and to regulate , members ' Continuing Professional Development .
4 I was driving on my way through beautiful scenery in Wales where I live and it suddenly occurred to me how this would all be altered in a nuclear war .
5 Thus output might be altered by a technological breakthrough , or by changes in the structure of taxation which affected the choice between work and leisure , or by changes in other real variables , but should not be affected by a change in nominal spending : such changes should affect the price at which the available output is sold and not the quantity of output itself .
6 If there is a steady downward drift in the average temperature in the area , a drift that persists over centuries , successive generations of animals will be propelled by a steady selection ‘ pressure ’ in the direction , say , of growing longer coats of hair .
7 The boxes both have six SIMM slots and can be incremented to a maximum 96Mb. +1 408 432–0292
8 Search for a peptide was rewarded by the discovery of a compound containing five amino acids , which combined powerfully with the opiate receptor and had all the necessary properties for it to be recognized as a new transmitter substance .
9 This is in the hope that they will become clearer to those who work within the industry , and that they may be recognized as a distinct discipline by academic and practising lawyers alike .
10 The burrow caused by Sarcoptes scabiei can be recognized as a thin line , not unlike a small splinter , in one of the sites which the mite is known to favour .
11 Metaphase 1 ( M1 ) is the stage of meiosis used in routine analysis for the establishment of bivalent number , chiasma frequency or position , and for the detection of a chromosomal anomaly such as a reciprocal translocation which can be recognized as a multivalent configuration in the complement .
12 In January 1973 the Scottish Education Department , on behalf of the four Central ( Art ) Institutions , formally approached the CNAA with a proposal for their Associateship and Diploma courses to be recognized for a classified degree in art and design .
13 Such " consensual " , " common law " or " companionate " unions ( or " marriages " ) , however , may be recognized to a certain degree by society ( or even by the law ) .
14 Each of these can be recognized by a common pattern of internal structure , all the individual species within a type being but variations on the same basic pattern .
15 This is achieved by the bidder procuring the target to be re-registered as a private company and taking advantage of the private company exemption contained in s155. ( 3 ) To save stamp duty .
16 ( 5 ) Because of the exemption for anything done in pursuance of a scheme of arrangement under s153(3) ( e ) , it should in theory be possible for financial assistance proposed to be provided as part of the Court Scheme to be implemented immediately ( because the target is bound by the scheme when it becomes effective ) without the need to wait for the target to be re-registered as a private company and the private company exemption procedure followed .
17 One Minister comments : Why did I go to York on October 3 to be recommissioned as a Eucharistic Minister ?
18 Several of the calculations which produced low success rates could probably be undertaken with a good deal more success in the actual context concerned .
19 The argument that increased non-bank financial intermediation will tend to raise velocity and therefore the amount of spending that can be undertaken with a given stock of money , is simple enough if we once recognise in velocity the importance of the demand for money .
20 Even the duly authorised activities of the Simonova were going to be undertaken at a respectable distance .
21 Atlantic Aeroengineering naturally specialises in the types in the remainder of the Group , the DC-3 , DC-6 , Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander and the Cessna 402/404 series , but work can be undertaken on a wide variety of types .
22 Preventative maintenance , virus checking and anti-virus updates will be undertaken on a regular basis .
23 One such was that further detailed studies of the possible effects should be undertaken over a 12-month period .
24 The study will be undertaken in a consecutive cohort of 500 patients undergoing elective abdominal , thoracic and vascular surgery and involves audiotaping of information given to patients , issue of operation information cards ( on a random basis ) and assessment of the personality and mood traits .
25 Close work is not in itself detrimental to sight and need not be discouraged , but it should be undertaken in a comfortable position and with appropriate task lighting .
26 A peer review of the outcomes of the enquiry will be undertaken by a working conference of informed critics whose observations will be incorporated into the final presentation of results early in 1990
27 The struggle to end capitalist wage labour can not be helped by women opting out and can only be undertaken by a working class that is less divided by male domination than the present one .
28 With limited exceptions , it proposed that all functions of local government be undertaken by a single authority in each area .
29 These arrangements for review of the procedures were strongly condemned by the Opposition which argued that the monitoring function should be undertaken by a Select Committee of the House of Commons which would ‘ oversee the work of any person responsible for , or making use of , the interception of communications ’ .
30 It is clear that the role need not always be undertaken by a social worker , but it also seems clear that in situations of family complexity , or personal loss of morale , social workers have particular skills to offer .
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