Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adj] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The tenant should resist a provision that interest should be deemed to be rent due to the landlord as this will have the effect of making available the remedy of distress as well as that of forfeiture without the necessity to serve a s 146 notice .
2 Beforehand , however , consideration will be given first to the probation project and second to its evaluation .
3 The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 enabled planning approvals to be given subject to the condition that trees are planted , and local authorities themselves have power to plant trees on any land in their area .
4 The Purchaser should at least accept that certain warranties should be given subject to the Vendor 's knowledge — eg those warranties which seek to anticipate what a third party might do in the future .
5 A more certain course , in such a case , would be for instructions to be given pursuant to the breach of the peace powers , and a prosecution for obstruction of the constable in the execution of his duty in the event of non-compliance .
6 Also , at the end of the day there may not be a great deal of difference between a system which requires all charges subject to exceptions to be registered as opposed to the present one which requires specified charges to be registered subject to the power of the Secretary of State to add to or delete from their number .
7 These weightings may then be adjusted relative to the pattern recogniser .
8 This card may be placed next to the model or face up at the table edge to indicate that it is in play .
9 It depends upon the weather , but after a week or so the concrete will have dried sufficiently to be treated prior to the introduction of fish and plants .
10 They can then be posted direct to the beneficiary 's account .
11 A first criterion might be that the treatment at least has to be considered acceptable to the majority of the local culture .
12 As a result , policies that might be considered harmful to the functioning of business , such as a major redistribution of wealth or income , are effectively removed from the political agenda .
13 For a considerable amount of inconsequential information owned by the institution is classed as confidential , even though its release could only be considered prejudicial to the safety and interests of the state by the most bigoted autocrat .
14 Whatever the solution , it should be resolved prior to the commencement of the review .
15 This powder could be added direct to the pond — fish root around in it , and take it into the digestive system , which it cleanses .
16 In course of time these petitions came to be addressed direct to the Chancellor himself .
17 as if to prove that a Shetlander 's work is never done , the same storms that sank the Braer and then cleaned away the oil caused erosion of the coast along the edge of the unexcavated portion of Jarlshof , and emergency coastal defences had to be installed prior to the provision of a permanent seawall .
18 However , economy being of prime importance , he included , he said , nothing inessential to the art of gardening that might increase the size and price ( eighteen shillings ) , but neither had he omitted any advice which might be deemed useful to the profession , ‘ so that upon the whole the work is rendered as complete a system of practical gardening as present knowledge of vegetation can supply ’ .
19 He also announced that the ban on party politics would be lifted on May 18 , rejecting opposition demands that the prohibition should be lifted prior to the referendum in the interests of a full and fair debate .
20 However , even the exercise of this right may , by the declaration of the Contacting State in which the evidence is to be taken , be made subject to the permission of the appropriate authority designated by that State .
21 The leader of the Authority , Mr Neil Fletcher , claims that up to twelve senior appointments in each of the thirteen boroughs could be made subject to the Secretary of State 's veto .
22 The effect of the restraint of trade doctrine on the first type of provision is to place limits on the type of information which may be made subject to the confidentiality provision .
23 Ideally this type of assessment begins when the patient is admitted to hospital so that there is adequate time for planning if special arrangements have to be made prior to the patient going home .
24 For example , operating decisions regarding the range of products to be made and sold would normally be made prior to the completion of the functional and master budgets , but these decisions when considered as a whole within the budgeting framework may be reconsidered and amendments made to the range .
25 However , they have 2 great advantages over subroutines : you can refer to them by name and the variables used within them can be made private to the procedure or function .
26 Teaching at night is unlikely to prove popular ( with teacher or pupil ! ) and the night shift in a hospital ward can not be made equivalent to the day shift ( except for intensive care units which are continuously busy ) .
27 The little accessories and pieces of clothing can be adapted as you wish , and perhaps could be made relevant to the birthday boy or girl and guests .
28 Defence counsel 's application for the judge to inspect the sister 's first statement under section 17 of the Evidence Act to determine whether or not it should be made available to the defence was refused .
29 After reviewing the subpoenaed material Greene ruled on Jan. 30 , 1990 , that much of it was not relevant but that a number of diary entries for dates in 1985 and 1986 should be made available to the defence because they " may show what types of aid President Reagan thought could legally be provided for … the contras " .
30 This record should be made available to the suspect on request and is designed to facilitate any complaints of unjustifiable action by the police .
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