Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adj] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But previous UN convoys to Gorazde have also been permitted to cross the border , only to be stopped short by the Serbs at Rogatica , 20 miles from the besieged town .
2 A danger was raised : mishandled , these could be deemed illegal in the UK .
3 This political imbalance of North and South remained imperfectly corrected till 1832 — indeed it was to be made worse by the Tudor establishment of boroughs in the Crown duchy of Cornwall in the sixteenth century .
4 In addition , the Palacio de Velazquez would be made available to the Prado on a temporary basis .
5 Up to 1,800 troops will be made available to the UN to ride shotgun on food convoys in stricken Bosnia .
6 It 'll obviously buy-in many ready-made COSE components — including networking and the Open Software Foundation 's distributed computing environment mdash ; and use the interfaces that 'll be made available through the COSE specification .
7 It will obviously buy in many ready-made COSE components — including networking and the Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment — and use the interfaces that will be made available through the COSE specification .
8 The database which will be produced will be made available through the ESRC Data Archive , and through publications .
9 Cheques , Postal Orders , etc. , should be made payable to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo .
10 It could be made consistent with the Maastricht treaty ; a broader EMU could gradually evolve .
11 The name of the user to be made responsible for the SPR .
12 Eventually to be positioned next to the Swift , the RAFM 's first-ever ‘ touch-and=try ’ ( jargon would have it as ‘ visitor-inter-active ’ ! ) aircraft is already on site , Jet Provost T.3A XM463 from 1 FTS at Linton-on-Ouse .
13 The stop can not be moved nearer to the Pleasance junction without interfering with movement at that junction , nor can it be located on the Pleasance because of junctions , bends and the pedestrian crossing .
14 In an emergency , advice may be sought direct from the Lloyds & City Medical Centre on .
15 It will be sold direct in the US and through its UK subsidiary Smart Systems Ltd in Oxford , VARs and the firm 's international distributors .
16 Our film stock and equipment , which comprised some nine-tenths of our travelling weight , had to be husbanded first past the Pac-Man thicket of Customs and Immigration , thence through unpredictable months in the jungles , and finally out of the country again intact and undetained .
17 It was an odd coincidence that a man should be found dead in the Thames near Stavanger 's office on the day that Stavanger had apparently disappeared , but that was now over four months ago , and in any case the police knew all about it , because the office cleaner had called the police .
18 RICHARD DUNWOODY has confirmed that he will ride Wo n't Be Gone Long in the Martell Grand National next Saturday .
19 Countries in Western Europe can sometimes be serviced direct from the UK because of good communication facilities .
20 The match will be shown live on BSkyB on Sunday , December 6 , while Reading 's game against Leyton Orient will be screened live on the Saturday evening .
21 On May 21 Berlin deputies rejected a CDU motion , effectively of no confidence , to the effect that the coalition should be held responsible for the May Day rioting .
22 Conversely , a carrier who issues a non-negotiable bill in a foreign port naming a United States importer as consignee may be held liable in the United States for refusing to deliver the goods to the United States consignee who does not surrender the bill of lading .
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