Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The mujaheddin delegation was led by Burhanuddin Rabbani , leader of the Islamic Society of Afghanistan , and represented all nine of the Iran-based Shia groups and four of the seven Pakistan-based Sunni groups reported to be willing to negotiate with the Kabul government .
2 Given the amount of negative equity still locking in to the system , it may be instructive to look at the UK consumer 's reaction to lower interest rates .
3 Within twenty-four hours Washington told Sullivan that the Shah would be welcome to come to the United States .
4 Goalkeeper David Seaman damaged a shoulder against Stockport but is expected to be fit to report to the England squad tomorrow .
5 They were not taking the hero for granted , but missing him madly and praying that he would be fit to return for the Davis Cup .
6 Oliver Sherwood 's MIDNIGHT STORM ( 12.45 ) should be hard to beat in the Concord Business Park Novice Chase at Uttoxeter .
7 Unfortunately , removing this many cells at the bedside seems to be hard to achieve in the NHS .
8 Such a strategy would undermine EC initiatives for sweeping global reductions in CO2 emissions , but would be likely to appeal to the US Administration , which has thus far failed to set any formal targets for reducing carbon output .
9 Vodac , Vodafone Group Plc 's largest service provider , has signed an agreement with Kingfisher Plc 's Comet electrical retail chain to service 230 stores UK-wide : Comet customers that come out with a mobile phone will be able to connect to the Vodafone network immediately , subject to a credit check .
10 We had two stands this year — a first for — and it was great to be able to rely on the Essex Dog Display Team to man our second stand .
11 And with the EC trade barriers coming down there are worries that counterfeit goods will be able to move into the UK with even greater ease .
12 Not only would she be able to stand in the Commons bar and glare at Conservatives who betrayed her during the leadership contest , thus putting them off their ill-earned whiskies , but chastise those responsible for mishandling the Tory campaign .
13 IBM has yet to say when the new operating system will ship , but users will be able to tie in the PowerPC , providing a single operating system from the desktop through departmental servers to highly-parallel enterprise servers .
14 Auditors will be able to comply with the Cadbury recommendation that they report on directors ' statements with regard to companies ' internal controls but only if there is clear guidance for both sides on a number of scope , technical and reporting issues , an analysis by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales concluded .
15 Is he satisfied that we shall not be able to comply with the EC bathing waters directive until 1995 at the earliest ?
16 Prof Anderson said they will mean the region will be able to comply with the EC directive , and use the material in an environmentally friendly way .
17 Company 's such as Campeau , which plunged too deeply into debt when it bought Bloomingdale 's , will no longer be able to count on the US taxpayer to bail them out .
18 It 's a great opportunity to be able to meet with the Leeds Chairman and talk about the points you raised .
19 This announcement met with considerable antipathy from Fine Art Investment and Display , and it rapidly became clear that the company would be unlikely to sell to the Barclay brothers .
20 But ministers were remaining tight-lipped about the reports , which , if true , would probably not satisfy Tory rebels and the package would be unlikely to get through the Commons .
21 This money would go to the Finnish construction company Rauma-Repola Offshore , whose large oil drilling rigs would be unable to go to the North Sea in a fully assembled condition when the bridge was finished .
22 Any adventurer who fails a WP test will be unable to get past the Ward , but the test may be repeated for each two rounds spent trying to force a way through .
23 Local income taxes might be thought capable of performing better against the criterion of equity , but it was argued that they would be difficult to administer in the UK , for the reasons outlined by Kay and King ( 1986 ) .
24 Gen Noriega and his few remaining allies would be hard-pressed to argue against the US invasion in an international legal body such as the UN , the experts said , because he declared last weekend that his forces were in ‘ a state of war ’ with the US .
25 It may be necessary to liaise with the Policyholder 's Doctor but permission IN WRITING FROM THE POLICYHOLDER to approach the Doctor must be obtained before doing so .
26 If his remarkable strategic instinct convinced him at an early stage that it would be necessary to negotiate with the FLN , his obvious repugnance at the process caused major problems .
27 The Herald spoke to Patricia Routledge and found her to be keen to return to the Yvonne Arnaud , where the audiences recently warmed to her in Alan Bennett 's Talking Heads .
28 It would be lovely to walk along the Champs-Elysées and see the Arc de Triomphe , go into the Louvre to look at the Mona Lisa , and visit the Opera House .
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