Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another reason to be grateful for all the publicity and discussion about child abuse is that former victims are seeking treatment at a far earlier age than was previously the case and therefore are able to go on and live a normal life once that treatment is complete .
2 Briefly , the rules of normalisation require that all entries in the entity must be completed ( first normal form ) , all attributes of the entity must be dependent on all the key ( second normal form ) , and all non-key attributes must be independent of one another ( third normal form ) .
3 However , increasing use of the structural Funds and institutional arrangements to aid the market process may be more likely to be acceptable to all the member states , as the success of Germany and Japan ( who practise considerable intervention in their economies ) , has indicated the benefits of using such policies .
4 A botched job , especially for ploughmen , would be visible to all the parish for the next six months — to friends , neighbours , workmates and even the casual passer-by .
5 NEC Corp 's NEC America has formed a Data Communications Systems Division to be responsible for all the company 's internetworking products : it was formerly included in its Data and Video Communications System Division and has joined NEC America 's Transmission Marketing & Sales Division , Herndon , Virginia .
6 It 's something that everybody should be aware of all the time , and I do see a lot of guitarists who really let themselves down by just falling back and letting the obvious happen .
7 These people will still be entitled to all the investment returns on the with-profits element of their investment — which accounts on average for about half of all investment into UWP contracts — but they will only be entitled to 60 per cent of the infrastructure profits on both the with-profits and the unit-linked business .
8 He says that Mr Summerfield would be bemused by all the fuss — but would appreciate the way his money had been used .
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