Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You 're almost sure to be right about the spells and enchantments .
2 Glynn 's prints must be all over the premises so there should be no problem . ’
3 I am preparing papers for the relinquishment of the claim , but once she signs them she will be literally on the streets and penniless .
4 But he was very happy to be so near the hills because he loved them .
5 And y am I right , am I right in saying that you 'd say that e even though it may exist in itself , that it may even be , in fact be less in the flats than it is in the , in the wi in that in the wider area ?
6 A little while ago children were expected to be down in the mines and underneath textile machinery , so they were n't actually treated as children , they were erm wager earners at a very low age , as soon as they could be walking they were doing a job , so I feel that we 're all children in fact , there is no great division between being a child and being an adult , and we in fact ca n't always cope with what 's happening and the shocks infect .
7 two than four about their input under the Mediwell and then after that , on the thirtieth Linda 's coming up to school erm and we 're going to actually well , Eleanor 's in English and Paul 's in his room , Cath will be in with the tutors and Paul will come into my classroom that particular time she can go round all the groups and discuss what they 've thought .
8 Here , truly , is a place to sense freedom , to be away from the crowds and the pressures of the world , to wander for miles seeing only a handful of people enjoying the same leisurely activity , or maybe no-one at all .
9 He once shocked Bonar Law , who took a rather more respectful view of money matters , by saying that ‘ a man who made a million quick ought to be not in the Lords but in gaol ’ .
10 And he knew I did n't have to be home for the kids or whatever , he knew my circumstances so well and he knew th exactly how much he could use me you know .
11 Divorce was seen to be harder on the women than the men , who could get out of their family responsibilities so much more easily with divorce than without it .
12 He should be there every time cos she 's gon na be out with the kids and all .
13 A direct rail link between Cleveland and London would be back on the tracks if Liberal Democrat policies were adopted , claims candidate Kay Kirkham .
14 And if her husband comes back , as he is apparently hinting he might , or if she moves , or gets a job , as she is always threatening to do if he does n't , or if my colleagues in the DSS find out that I am paying her , then even this hopeless arrangement will come to an end and I shall be back to the agencies and the advertisements , back to the interviews and the references , back to strangers in the house .
15 Of course tomorrow 's Gold Cup day at Cheltenham and this time tomorrow we 'll be back with the results and of course all the highlights .
16 We therefore propose to introduce at Report Stage a Government amendment which will provide for discretionary trusts which were in existence on 26th March 1974 to rearrange their position , if they so wish , at rates of charge which will be substantially below the rates that would otherwise be chargeable .
17 Well it 's go , it 's all going to be there in the reports and surely the kids are going to able to form everything .
18 I , I , well let me start first of all like most companies this has been erm er concentrated wonderfully in er reconsidering the plans and this means that quite seriously that erm er the cost can not be precisely in the accounts because there 's a redesign .
19 Looking at the report and using the present criteria for increase in pensions and these are the figures that I did n't produce but er they look pretty bleak as I said because what the pensions can expect next year will be eighty four P for single pensioners and one twenty eight in that area for a couple and then we had look at we have some concern of what happened yesterday in a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who said he is going to extend V A T and also it has now been that instead of putting on half of it in nineteen ninety four he put the full pile at seventeen and a half percent in nineteen ninety four because what was being saved is that if he 's leave the other half to nineteen ninety five it 'll be round near the elections and er there could be some difficulty .
20 You need to be either in the charts or heading that way to earn space in those gossipy pages .
21 But if some existing races could be shown to be closer to the apes than others , would this not prove their inferiority ?
22 Whereabo would you be upstairs in the attics or
23 Nevertheless , the radioactivity imparted to the pebbles must be weak and transient for obvious health reasons , and this means that radioactivity detectors must be very near the pebbles before they are located , thus increasing the tedium of the experiments .
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