Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In some circumstances , it may be preferable simply to keep the idea secret and rely on the law of confidence ; this costs nothing and there is no requirement that the invention must eventually fall into the public domain .
2 Although the chosen noise should initially be loud enough to gain the baby 's attention , it should be turned down to background level after 30 seconds .
3 It would be possible instead to preserve the relationship between the financial institutions and the personal sector savers but to alter substantially the deployment of funds by obliging the institutions to contribute to a national investment bank , giving them in return bonds with a rate of return linked to the real growth rate of the economy .
4 My discussions show that it might be possible substantially to improve the way in which our debates are held .
5 It may not be possible now to reorganise the power industry to sell services , rather than energy , but it is at least possible to plan in terms of the uses to which the energy must be put .
6 It will not be possible subsequently to replace the VAT accounting procedures to reflect what the state of affairs was intended to be .
7 The level of water in a feed-and-expansion cistern should be low enough to allow the water to expand as it gets hot without overflowing .
8 This was once fitted to a range of IH tractors from 80–200hp , so Mr Tomlinson knew it would be strong enough to take the power from the engine .
9 It 's unlikely that they will allow you to use an arch to carry the load : the abutments are n't likely to be strong enough to resist the thrust .
10 In defiance of Mosley 's warnings , Joyce was urging speakers to use language in attacking the Jewish community which would be strong enough to break the law .
11 Although a recent constitutional amendment protected a new government from a motion of no confidence during the first 18 months of its existence , it appeared unlikely that Wingti 's new government would be strong enough to break the country 's traditional pattern of politics by becoming the first since independence to survive from one general election to the next .
12 Even the agitations of the women 's movement would have warranted little more than a raised eyebrow from a lass in a Salvation Army bonnet that had to be strong enough to protect the head of the wearer from brick bats and other missiles .
13 Certainly she would be craven enough to accept the news without comment , or any thought of a fight .
14 In such circumstances the purchaser may be willing either to take the risk that consent is refused or withheld or alternatively to proceed without obtaining formal consent and if necessary argue that the relevant party to the contract has consented by its conduct after completion .
15 In view of the importance of signalling and telecommunications to the railways , would it not be sensible quietly to contemplate the proposition of an independent inquiry into all the technological changes that are taking place on British Rail signalling ?
16 However , I feel sure he will be generous enough to regard the award as a general honour for them all .
17 Buyers believe sales on these items would not be high enough to justify the space they would take up .
18 But it should be lively enough to engage the interest and the future assistance of better analysts .
19 She had to be brave enough to finish the job , braver than she 'd ever been before , really to fulfil the Promise and the Law .
20 Performance has to be exciting enough to make the boat attractive , but it has to be something that lighter and less experienced crews starting off in the class can handle .
21 It would be foolish here to enter the debate over the survival of party under the early Hanoverians : such a subject would require extensive treatment in a separate book .
22 She could n't be foolish enough to ignore the fact that he had already stated that he would go to any lengths to protect it .
23 Moreover , the plane may be clever enough to make the trip and transact the business by itself .
24 Pre-Astrid , Jay had been in a dead job , art workshops with utterly disillusioned teenagers , every morning she coughed she rang in sick , malingering Mondays , rain seeped in the doors of the empty bus every morning , the bus to the High Street for the next bus , hoping to be early enough to miss the screaming leering sneering schoolgirls she had to face all day .
25 Thompson 's purpose here is to contrast the eighteenth century 's passive materialism , reflected in Owen 's views , with the active , the dialectical materialism advocated by Marx ; that is the materialism that would not be content only to interpret the world , but would alter it .
26 As the lifting kite is going to be large enough to carry the weight of line , carrier and passenger(s) , there will be quite a pull , so it pays to use good quality braided Dacron of adequate breaking strain .
27 You 'll take him home with you to avoid gossip , and then in a few days he 'll be fit enough to leave the country . ’
28 Because of the drive swapping the CONFIG.SYS file is stored in the uncompressed drive D. If you edit this file to REM out the DEVSWAP command you might be lucky enough to recover the ROM drive but I can not guarantee it .
29 Should you arrive at a delicatessen counter when a salame is just being started or finished , you may be lucky enough to collect the end chunk which can be used to give extra flavour to spaghetti sauces or risotto-type dishes .
30 You may be lucky enough to hear the sound , coming up from the very earth beneath your feet .
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